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Xencard65 t1_ir3aevl wrote

Dude is another old, out of touch conservative. He needs to go back to Florida and ride his bike on a busy road.


Dog_From_Malta t1_ir5sm3m wrote

Does he really look like someone who would engage in any sort of plebian physical exertion beyond running his mouth?


Rocknrollsk t1_ir4teew wrote

As a Mainer who now lives in Florida, please, no. Keep him up there. With Trump and Desantis we’ve reached our quota of assholes.


bluestargreentree t1_ir51vq0 wrote

you chose to move to Florida bub, what did you expect


Rocknrollsk t1_ir541nd wrote

Fair enough. Not sure why I got all the downvotes though, not like I said I was a fan. However, Lepage is and always will be a Mainer.


home-for-good t1_ir5at7n wrote

Downvotes are likely due to a perception of betrayal from your comment. You say you’re a former Mainer who moved to Florida and feel Maine should “keep” LePage since you already have enough crazy politicians and that LePage “is and always will be a Mainer”. I think what that tells other people is that even though Lepage dipped for Florida after his term was up, he’s still a Mainer that we “own” but you as a Mainer who also moved out aren’t and don’t “own” him. There’s also possible frustration over you complaining about the number of conservative assholes in a state known for conservative assholes you chose to move to. Also (and I could be wrong here), but it seems to me that LePage has a lower chance of doing political damage in Florida vs Maine since his native status and history of political involvement in Maine gives him a familiarity edge vs Florida and his views are already more in line with Floridas current policies to begin with. I think you’re generally receiving negative attention because people feel the comment is a little shortsighted and not directly supportive of keeping LePage out of Maine politics


Rocknrollsk t1_ir5ipss wrote

I think that’s a bit much to read into a glib comment, but could certainly be an explanation…


mhb20002000 t1_ir3o5h1 wrote

I actually prefer him in Maine over Florida. Maine is purple but solidly blue enough right now. Florida, however, needs to tip back to a true swing state.


1stepklosr t1_ir39trv wrote

He is bombing it on the abortion question BAD.


pl8ster t1_ir3gv31 wrote

He didn't understand the question.

Mills: "I understand the question."


NoMoLerking t1_ir3iehs wrote

Coherent ✅

Shit. I guess that’s all it takes these days.


AtariHeavy26 t1_ir3wgsx wrote

Same with the 55% rule and Mills giving everyone crackpipes.


bwma t1_ir4pdfd wrote

Someone told me that Biden was giving out crack pipes. I just asked "where?" and they couldn't come up with anything. I'm all for calling out bad policies, but I don't understand the need to just make shit up from thin air.


dirtyword t1_ir5g4ed wrote

Oh, right, that’s because you’re not a fuckin dipshit


1stepklosr t1_ir5v3s7 wrote

This shouldn't be downvoted, they're saying LePage fumbled those answers.


AtariHeavy26 t1_ir5xdq7 wrote

Lol I was wondering why everyone was downvoting that. The moderator even corrected him on those particular questions.


1stepklosr t1_ir6pxou wrote

I just wish the moderators did that more.


AtariHeavy26 t1_ir718l7 wrote

Steve did a pretty good job of quickly correcting him. I watch a lot of debates in other states. I was in Bar Harbor/Acadia this past weekend and saw a lot of the signs out. When I saw they were showing it online I was like let’s see what these candidates are about. I was hoping they would address the lobstermen issue as that was never touched and seemed to be a big issue along the coast.


hike_me t1_ir6s6ty wrote

I upvoted you.

Someone probably misunderstood you when you first posted it, and then once it’s been downvoted to zero or less everyone else starts to pile on.


800grandave t1_ir4f85f wrote

in your opinion


sheeponabowl t1_ir55c5x wrote

It’s not an opinion. Abortion is NOT an opinion. Fuck yourself.


Arsenault185 t1_ir5wuvv wrote

The rights and access to others certainly is an opinion.

Some are regressive, some are progressive


OnlyMadeThisForDPP t1_ir5xuuo wrote

Correct. It’s a murder.


aquagreed t1_ir68z1n wrote

If you genuinely believed we were actual bloodthirsty murderers you wouldn’t be trying to get pithy responses out on Twitter


OnlyMadeThisForDPP t1_ir8uhyw wrote

I don’t have a Twitter lmao. Seethe harder.


aquagreed t1_ira9zwo wrote

You think I’m a murderer and I’m the one seething lol cry harder bitch


1stepklosr t1_ir5nehb wrote

How can anyone possibly think he answered that well? His campaign can't be happy with that bumbling excuse for an answer.


800grandave t1_ir6f1v1 wrote

“lepage is choking…”

…in your opinion.

pay attention to the words said and stop having an overly emotional reaction.


priceless37 t1_ir4b0iv wrote

My favorite was what would he do to makeup for the lack of income tax? by firing state workers(2-3,000) and consolidate schools. This would also mean letting people go…… so he going to make up for no income tax by making a bunch of people jobless…….it doesn’t make sense.


badhmorrigan t1_ir4fds5 wrote

And let a lot more children fall through the cracks. Can you imagine the class sizes?


monsterscallinghome t1_ir4s4ad wrote

Fuck the class sizes, think of how many hours a day some of those kids would have to spend on the bus! Some of them are already >90 minutes each way.


priceless37 t1_ir4zg5l wrote

Exactly, how is it cost cutting when you now need to transport children 25 miles too and from school??


civildisobedient t1_ir4t7nl wrote

I remember that he criticized low teacher/student ratios. The man is an idiot.


badhmorrigan t1_ir55bh4 wrote

That's insulting to idiots. He has obviously never spent a day in a classroom trying to teach 30 kids.


Oldmtman_207 t1_ir5bmja wrote

A dangerous idiot! Who has many idiots supporting him. Come on Mainers we do not need this crooked clown anywhere near our statehouse. Send him back to Florida


undertow521 t1_ir4wrp7 wrote

>by firing state workers(2-3,000) and consolidate schools.

Ahhh yes. As a state worker married to a teacher, I can't wait to go back to the days of fearing for our livelyhoods every contract year!


Snooper2323 t1_ir4wdt9 wrote

But if they come to Maine, “they’ll be put to work!”


worlds_okayest_skier t1_ir5na5c wrote

Wouldn’t want to “grow government” in a recession… LePage did not pay attention in history class.


Dog_From_Malta t1_ir5tjqs wrote

Sounds like Lepage is getting funding from the gallows industry...


tracyinge t1_ir6bcdj wrote

It doesn't have to make sense. He's hoping that a lot of people will hear "no more state income tax" and run to the voting booth. And a lot of them will. Luckily we're not Tennessee and have a lot of people who are smarter than that.


priceless37 t1_ir6y1is wrote

Unfortunately a lot of voting republicans don’t have critical thinking skills to understand the consequences of no income tax. That’s why the republicans court the simple minded


Rico_Solitario t1_irai2nr wrote

No you see the problem is that children in Maine are too well educated and the government is too well funded. If they ruin the school system and hamstring the government then Maine kids will grow up to be uneducated, poor and frustrated with underfunded government programs. Once all those pieces are in place Maine can become just as shitty a place to live as southern red states!


priceless37 t1_iraqqch wrote

Can you imagine if our children were raised with Bible stories as factual? Thankfully Maine children are educated to think for themselves and not be indoctrinated into a cult religion


Raptorex27 t1_ir5gctb wrote

No no, stare workers aren’t people. They’re brain dead, unqualified feeders off the hard-working taxpayers (the REAL people), who couldn’t cut it in the private sector.


[deleted] OP t1_ir5k11a wrote

>No no, stare workers aren’t people. They’re brain dead, unqualified feeders off the hard-working taxpayers (the REAL people), who couldn’t cut it in the private sector.

I guess that explains why Uncle Paul wants to be a state worker again. All makes sense now.


randreas2 t1_ir3al76 wrote

Just remember to vote!


basedvulpes t1_ir39ppx wrote

He can’t string together a single coherent sentence


IamSauerKraut t1_ir3qk89 wrote

LeLiar was donnie dumpster fire before donnie dumpster fire stole the election of 2016.


needfortweedIII t1_ir4vhwk wrote

How was the 2016 election "stolen"?


Armigine t1_ir4y16a wrote

people are generally salty when the candidate with fewer votes wins an election, because the truth that our elections are more 'elections' is not something which is good.


needfortweedIII t1_ir55qou wrote

Okay, but not "stolen", rather won according to rules which some think are unfair.


Armigine t1_ir5cgpp wrote

Were you asking for clarification of what they meant or trying to be pedantic when you already understood what they meant?


IamSauerKraut t1_ir6be7j wrote

Imma vote "pendantic."


needfortweedIII t1_ir6up0e wrote



IamSauerKraut t1_ir7ewc8 wrote

Because I can and because you like to post comments to folks that you then delete so that it only shows up in a person's email but the person is then unable to respond because you've already deleted it.


needfortweedIII t1_ir6org5 wrote

I mean, when someone wins an election according to the rules that were in place, calling it "stolen" is a bit extreme. I was asking for clarification. Claiming Trump "stole" the election in 2016 is no different than saying Biden "stole" it in 2020.


Armigine t1_ir7khhh wrote

That's true - I think people typically mean different things with those expressions (I think when people say Biden stole the election, they typically mean literally changed votes illegally), but that does possibly get some color from my political experience. It is indeed annoying when people are unclear in their communication, we have the language to be precise


IamSauerKraut t1_ir5hx1q wrote

Imma use the same arguments used for 2020: There is no way he could have won.


needfortweedIII t1_ir6sx0k wrote

What do you mean? Just because you don't understand something from your own limited perspective doesn't mean it's impossible.


dharmaday t1_ir3zrxr wrote

“Providing two years of free community college is an incredible investment in young people in Maine. These students have been particularly hard hit by the pandemic. This gives them hope. This gives them a great education that’s close to home, with skilled instructors and the opportunity to learn and work with people in the community,” said David Daigler, President of the Maine Community College System. “It’s a game-changer for these students, and for Maine families who want their children to have the strongest start possible in building a better life.” LePage never would’ve done this!


costabius t1_ir5itip wrote

Lepage actually campaigned on this his first term. Iirc his proposal was one year of free community college/trade school as a 5th year of high school. Did absolutely nothing about it for 8 years and stopped talking about it the second he was elected.


HughDanforth t1_ir5gv6m wrote

An educated America is a strong America.

American was innovative when we had a strong public school system. Make America educated again!

The American economic miracle is due to our public school system, as the world has developed we need more education not less.


tracyinge t1_ir6bq2h wrote

Yes I'm not understanding why so many kids who graduated this year are opting not to further their education in some way. "I need a gap year"....but weren't you just complaining that not going to school during the pandemic ruined your mental health?


TarantinoFan23 t1_ir830ho wrote

HS seniors can barely read coming out of schools. Another example of the older generations cutting school funding for years just so they can complain about younger generation's struggles.


tracyinge t1_ir83hcx wrote

Huh? School funding increases annually. And if it's cut, you actually think THAT is the reason, because "older generations" are evil? Who the hell do you think built your schools, Santa Claus?

ps are your grandparents evil too? And all your aunts & uncles?


HughDanforth t1_ir8ke64 wrote

Do you know what inflation is, boomer?


tracyinge t1_ir8srcv wrote

Yes and I also know what shrinkflation is. Something a lot of dummies don't even notice.


dirtyword t1_ir5gjbf wrote

Leave it to someone who devoted his career to education to support teaching and learning. Sheesh what next.


IamSauerKraut t1_ir3qezw wrote

LePage is always wanting to give someone's money to some corporate or other donor. Ought to just go back to his wife in Floriduh and stay there. Maybe run against death santis.


MrsBeansAppleSnaps t1_ir3i98u wrote


  1. Lepage is still Lepage.
  2. Mills is the prototypical politician. "I inherited this problem" "I fixed this other problem completely" and so on. Do you think she would ever own up to a mistake? No, politicians don't do that.
  3. The bright lights of MPBN were too much for Hunkler.

WangnanJahad t1_ir3op7s wrote

Your statement boils down to 'do we hire an asshole or do we hire the status quo?'

I'll take the status quo. At least I both know what I'm getting and not be the laughing stock of the nation again.


Tnkgirl357 t1_ir4q831 wrote

During LePage’s last term I took an extended cross country road trip, hitchhiking to the west coast and back. The amount of random people in places that didn’t know much about Maine except “you’ve got that whack job governor out there, what’s with that?” Was really sad.


Vel0clty t1_ir59ktq wrote

At least the status quo hooked us up with bailout checks 👍🏼 (also has common sense, works for the people, and isn’t an embarrassment to our state)


CptnAlex t1_ir6b287 wrote

I don’t love Mills, but she was the only professional on stage. The other two are dimwits.


fredezz t1_ir3x352 wrote

He looked like he was ready to explode at any second...but thanks to his ability to lie, he was barely able to control himself. PLEASE VOTE!


incompleteTHOT t1_ir3rsen wrote

HAHAHA I came here to talk about sam hunkler like what the actual fuck???


incompleteTHOT t1_ir3s5gy wrote

Neither of these dudes know a fucking goddamn thing about how the government works it is unbelievable the difference in qualifications here...


TarantinoFan23 t1_ir83i02 wrote

Lol, we don't get qualified candidates in politics. You might as well say neither of them can fly.


SamLoomisMyers t1_ir5k66c wrote

How did this guy , a clear racist, ever get elected in Maine? I mean some of his positions make Trump look not so racist....and that's saying something


Bywater t1_ir6dtcs wrote

The people voting for him considered it a feature.


jeffthedrumguy t1_ir5q3qc wrote

Hey, I'm all for hating on LePage, but can we cut it out with the fat jokes?
Him being fat isn't why he's an asshole. There are plenty of other reasons for that.


a_pirate_life t1_ir7qekl wrote

What about jokes about taking the easy way out of fatness?


ichoosejif t1_ir3n4tl wrote

Well Irving is a canadian oil co. so are we shocked?


Runnah5555 t1_ir54wl0 wrote

Oh, metaphorically choking.



cannabiseater t1_ir5bn5z wrote

Too much Xanax in Florida for ol'Lepage. God I hope he ships his fat ass right back down there.


iceflame1211 t1_ir6f32g wrote

I couldn't believe LePage opened the debate saying the $850 surplus that went to Maine residents should've gone to oil companies lmfao

I wish they fact-checked this in real time though.. he looked at Mills directly and called her a liar for claiming he supported Trump's "Muslim ban"- but.... he did. He 100% did openly and often. It's documented. He tweeted about it. I understand the moderator isn't supposed to be partisan, but she needs to at minimum keep the debate based in reality.

He blatantly, openly, and repeatedly lies.. but his conservative supporters seem either too dim to remember or too gullible to think anything LePage says could possibly be false. I really hope Mainers know better and he doesn't get a third term.


[deleted] OP t1_ira0sdm wrote



of_patrol_bot t1_ira0tbd wrote

Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.

It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.

Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.

Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Financial_Employ627 t1_ir6ngw9 wrote

What do you guys know about Hunkler? Dude wasn’t eloquent, and I was pretty disappointed in that because I liked what parts of his ideas he was able to speak out.


gracelandcat t1_ir7lc7w wrote

I liked what he said about raising the mil rate and the homestead exemption and that the way we deal with opioid abuse is just replacing one addiction with another. I'm guessing he may not have had much experience speaking in front of lights and cameras, so I'm going to wait and see what he says in the next debates before I pass judgement. I just really would like to be able to have a viable third party candidate.


Financial_Employ627 t1_ir7qp7z wrote

Totally agree here. Those are some of his best points to me as well, but I think you hit the nail on the head for public speaking experience. I like him a lot though, and he seems committed mostly to working together for the common good of Maine, which is what I think all of the US needs more of.


gracelandcat t1_ir7yc5l wrote

Yes, let's see how the next debates go. His web page and FB page are both very interesting.


_Schneebley t1_ir8311k wrote

I don't think it wasn't that he wasn't a polished public speaker, he didn't show any depth of knowledge in terms of policy or public service.

It's easy to go up there and be like "we need more jobs, we need better schools, we need more programs" but that's just feel good blanket talking points. The only time he broke the mold was bringing up raising the Mill Rate & mentioned the Homestead Exemption, but the raising the mill rate is a) unpopular because you're putting bigger stress on local funding of the budget and b) likely illegal to manipulate because it can be legally argued as discrimination. That and Mills and LePage also already said they agreed with the homestead exemption. See Janet Mill's policy here.

I think people get starry eyed for having more "common" people work in high public offices, but in practicality you're mostly putting an underqualified person into a very important public service role that needs a much higher understanding of how public policy works.


1cooldud t1_ir7ur9j wrote

Lepage is ahead in the polls big time now


1cooldud t1_ir6rvtz wrote

I didn't watch it - but nothing will change my opinion on Mills after her treatment of Healthcare workers.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3i7gg wrote



weakenedstrain t1_ir3jrvy wrote

So uh… that whole pandemic on top of an already struggling healthcare system was a fiasco.

And you’re blaming… vaccines?

Please tell me I’m wrong.

Edit in response to edit: you’re blaming a mandate designed to keep people safe for costing more for healthcare. Nurses SHOULD be paid triple what they are for the work they do and the last few years.

I blame YOU and morons like you who think the mandate is the problem when mandates and amazing science are what got us through the pandemic so far with just one of the highest per capita death rates.

Antivaxxers made this LONGER and much more painful than it needed to be.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3ke93 wrote



wishabitchwood t1_ir3l8ts wrote

And you don't think nurses figured out their worth? Those that could become travelers did. Hospitals refuse to compete and pay their nurses accordingly. Raise pay, fix staff ratios. Then they might do better.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3mm70 wrote



wishabitchwood t1_ir3nov4 wrote

Boston seems to have no problem with any of this. I get in to better specialists there quicker than Bangor. So I travel 5 hours, get quicker, better, more up to date care.

I'm so sick of listening to "well covid" as an excuse for everything in Bangor when it comes to healthcare.

I refuse to go the EMMC after the way tgey've treated my adult child, my other adult child is a nurse and worked there during college for a year as a cna. They want nurses but treat workers like crap. Can't blame covid for that. Now she's a nurse that will never work for northern lights.


weakenedstrain t1_ir3kzbz wrote

So… you’re saying the medical providers who survived the global pandemic in no small part due to the miraculous vaccine demand more pay as travelers since the anti-science anti-vax public-safety-endangering Covidiots left?

Well, yeah, that sucks, but, y’know… science?


Blue_Eyed_ME t1_ir3k2d6 wrote

This makes no sense. States without vaccine mandates are facing the same shortages and traveller nurse expenses.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3kv2w wrote



weakenedstrain t1_ir3mlkv wrote

If they aren’t easy to get (degrees) why would a rational person throw it away over lies and superstition? But it happens.


hike_me t1_ir3l4tz wrote

How many people were actually fired for refusing to get vaccinated?

Not many.


priceless37 t1_ir4bd1v wrote

Dozens according to one article at the time. Mostly it was lower level support staff, not doctors and nurses


hike_me t1_ir4wtgc wrote

Dozens, most being low level staff, out of tens of thousands of healthcare workers in the state doesn’t seem like much


priceless37 t1_ir4ztnx wrote

It isn’t. That’s why it’s dozens and thousands. Most people aren’t morons that question the work they do everyday.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3lvwa wrote



hike_me t1_ir3muaj wrote

They’re already required to get a host of vaccinations including annual influenza. Adding Covid is not unreasonable.


[deleted] OP t1_ir3ncp1 wrote



hike_me t1_ir3nzp5 wrote

The politicization of the Covid vaccine by the right is what damaged healthcare


weakenedstrain t1_ir3mqy4 wrote

If we can just invest in a good public awareness campaign about the venality of the antivaxx movement and the snake-oil salespeople that promote it, we can maybe weather the next pandemic better.