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DuckTruckMuck OP t1_iuc1utc wrote

The city in question is not Buffalo, as you might think. It's actually >!Westbrook!< which I find to be hilarious because of course it is.


Amdy_vill t1_iucpwra wrote

What the fuck is my home town doing, those cunts lost thier minds in 3 years have they.


appleshit8 t1_iuctc4c wrote

...Yeah because this is the 1st crazy shit Westbrook has ever done


Amdy_vill t1_iucteeo wrote

I'm not saying us cunts aren't crazy this is just another level.


Silktrocity t1_iuca80o wrote

Oh yeah? Why the fuck not?


DidDunMegasploded t1_iued9fk wrote

Remember when a whole bunch of people wanted to vote what was seemingly the guy from the Deez Nuts meme in as president?

Pepperidge Farms remembers. And so do I. It was one of the good things about the 2016 election.


EngineersAnon t1_iuc4poc wrote

>Josh Allen is not actually a candidate in the City of Westbrook.

Isn't the whole point of a write-in vote to (try to) elect someone who isn't a registered candidate?

>Votes cast for Josh Allen will be counted as blanks.

So, you admit that the city intends to discount legal write-in votes.

Do you want to directly undermine the integrity of every election your office has any role in counting ballots for? Because that's what you just did.


[deleted] t1_iuc699s wrote

> Isn’t the whole point of a write-in vote to (try to) elect someone who isn’t a registered candidate?

No, generally write-in candidates still need to be registered. If you just write in a random person it’s considered a spoiled ballot.


timothypjr t1_iud25yc wrote

Hence the warning. Don’t throw away your whole vote for what is essentially a bad attempt at trolling.


biggestofbears t1_iud820w wrote

>Isn't the whole point of a write-in vote to (try to) elect someone who isn't a registered candidate?

Just look it up, the candidate you're writing in had to fill out a special form, the declaration of write-in candidacy. If this isn't filled out, the vote doesn't count.

>admit that the city intends to discount legal write-in votes.

See above. You're just wrong about write in voting.