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United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu19moi wrote

Yes, profanity should litter our environment. mOdERniTY!!! (Idiocracy)


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iu1bk31 wrote

If you think swear words everywhere equates to idiocracy, methinks you missed the point of the movie.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu1k3mg wrote

Aww, is the big boi afwaid of no-no wowds? Yes he is, yes he is!

Grow up. Fight against people using slurs instead of fighting against people dropping fuckin' shit everywhere they go.


asininedervish t1_iu1v11h wrote

Should has nothing to do with it - it causes no harm, and there are plenty of worse things I would prefer were banned.

E.g. religious themed messages.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu1ziwc wrote

False. it affects vulnerable people and shame on anyone doubling/tripling down on promoting it for our community. I know high schoolers who are protective of what innocence they have left and don't want to see this language on the roads, not everyone in this state is as degenerate as some in this sub.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33209 wrote

You serious? A load of high schoolers get their no-no words from TikTok. So I'm calling r/thathappened there.

As I said, your kid has already learned "fucking shit" and similar words by the time they turn 10. So for the kids that have, they are not "vulnerable people" in that regard.

Back in the 2000s, I was taught to swear at a third-grade bully in order to get him to stop bullying. The only reason I didn't do it was because I was an anxious and terrified kid who really didn't want to get beat up. If the same thing happened today, and if I actually went through with it, the kid wouldn't be fazed in the slightest.

Swear words are here, they're being dropped, and there's hardly a thing you can do about it. There are bigger things to focus on.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu33hct wrote

Well, the state is getting rid of obscenity plates, as it should, so I don't gotta do anything. Na na na Na na, pottymouth lover.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iu33yrc wrote

But you'll cry if the word "fuck" is dropped anywhere in your immediate vicinity. Lmao. Grow up.

What's that old saying? "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? "Actions speak louder than words"? Mm.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu3455l wrote

You don't know fucking shit about me, or my maturity level, all's I know is that you're still hung up on 3rd grade bully shit, perhaps you should do the growing up. Lmao.

PS I can swear, I just don't think the state should be producing them for public consumption. And now the state agrees.


sfurbish t1_iu43yc7 wrote

Looks like your purity only lasted until someone rubbed you the wrong way? Welcome to the modern world of nasty words.


bugdude666 t1_iu5swee wrote

Bahahahahahh you cannot be serious my dude. That’s adorable.

My devout and dearly departed Irish Catholic grandma swore more than anyone else I know, give me a break.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu6d9aw wrote

What can I say, autistic people happen.


bugdude666 t1_iu6g0gy wrote

I’m adhd and my best friend is autistic, she thinks I am prob on the spectrum too. I haven’t had a professional tell me that but she’s probably right.

Let’s not use our diagnoses as a point.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iu6gdij wrote

You tried using your GRANDMOTHER, dude. And now you're mining for dx sympathy attention. Not really worth my time, sorry.


bugdude666 t1_iu6kkjx wrote

Okay, have a nice night. Sorry you see my comments that way.


asininedervish t1_iua6ext wrote

> shame on anyone doubling/tripling down on promoting it for our community.

Not-banning a thing and promotion are different.

And religion affects far more vulnerable people, takes their resources and harms millions. I would rather we protect our youth from cultists - but if freedom of speech protects catholics, it needs to protect Fuck.


United_Mixture_6700 t1_iuabqeo wrote

>Not-banning a thing and promotion are different

>it needs to protect Fuck.

Mm hmm.

Besides, the State's getting rid of them. So your point is...idk.