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TheMobyDicks OP t1_itqtnav wrote

Originally from Vermont. Went to college in Maine and stayed's awesome. Now live in NH Seacoast, also awesome.


ApprehensiveDeer9530 t1_itquetu wrote

Interesting. I'm a Vermonter living in Maine and I miss VT every day! Hearing about people from VT who grew to like it here brings me hope 😅


TheMobyDicks OP t1_itqwbpy wrote

Where in VT and where in ME? For me:

West Castleton in VT

Orono, Bangor and Portland in ME


ApprehensiveDeer9530 t1_itr1mf9 wrote

Grew up in Charlotte, but lived in Jericho for the past 10 years. I just moved to Gorham, ME (Portland suburb).