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petrified_eel4615 t1_ireclsj wrote

I've heard it said that New Englanders are kind but not nice, while Southerners are nice but not kind.

I also think a lot of it has to do with climate - Southerners don't know that winter is coming (winter is always coming) and even if you hate the guy next door you help him out because you never know when you might need the same.


Claudius-Germanicus t1_ireqg9g wrote

In New York they are neither kind nor nice


HughDanforth t1_irf631b wrote

Not in my expereince. Witty, funny cynical and very helpful.


dancingowlonthemoon t1_irhsjog wrote

"Fuck outta here" is just a term of endearment when riding the subway and you've got to deal with someone's shenanigans. πŸ‘πŸ»


KezarLake t1_irhfge9 wrote

Native Mainer here. I lived in Georgia for ten years. I found southerners to be friendly, but neither nice or kind.