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therealwolfe1982 t1_irkgbub wrote

Oh it’s the clientele…that’s my Walmart and trust me. Right during covid I was in line (15-20 minute minimum wait while various checks, cards and EBT get denied, items are put back, etc etc) and this woman walks too close to the woman behind me in line and the woman behind me goes “six feet, BITCH” and then holy hell here we go…SMFH. If LA is the armpit of Maine, and it is, the Auburn Walmart is the longest, curliest, skankiest hair in that armpit. Stay away!


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irkh8hx wrote

I honestly think Rumford-Mexico is way worse than Lewiston-Auburn, which is a distant third (Augusta’s pretty bad too)


Alevans8 t1_irl3vft wrote

I don't think the Walmart in Mexico is bad at all but then again I'm from south Florida so.....🤷🏻‍♀️ to me the little Wally world here isn't so bad. Lol


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irl49l4 wrote

There was an article a couple years ago about how Walmart employees at the Mexico one were caught literally raking trash down towards the nearby river bank


Alevans8 t1_irl7iht wrote

Yikes.....I'm new to Maine. I have only been here a month and I live in Mexico. That is horrible! With that aside I'm lovin it here so far, the kids and I are looking forward to seeing snow.🌨☃️❄🏂


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmm0e9 wrote

You moved there at pretty much the best time, autumn is absolutely the best season to be in that part of the state (really, any part of the state, but especially that one).

I hope the difficulties that come with our winters don’t sour the novelty of snow for you. Storms get bad in the mountains.


sweetpeanut_ t1_irmj6yt wrote

That area is gorgeous but the Mexico Walmart is the saddest Walmart I’ve ever seen


Lieutenant_Joe t1_irmjd5f wrote

Northwestern maine in general is absolutely beautiful, but the human element throughout much of it leaves a bit to be desired

Idk why the fuck I have to look at confederate flags in a state where we sent more of a percentage of our population to die in the civil war than any other union state