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RealMainer t1_ithudcl wrote

Probably a bunch of grow operations that decided they don’t want anyone sniffing around their crops.


DidDunMegasploded t1_ithuxkz wrote

Yes, because my eyes are literally glued to my GPS.

Seriously guys, I can't get them off and the optometrist is closed for the day, please advise.


Guygan t1_ithwbvi wrote

So many questions.

Are they threatening that if you drive on their road, they will make it unsafe for you?

Is it a public road?


Mikerm3 OP t1_ithwp7s wrote

technically you can make it through in the summer, but in the winter you will get stuck

it’s more of a ‘fair warning’ than anything else


GuppyGB t1_ithxjzq wrote

There's an apple orchard nearby and if you GPS to that orchard it brings you to this road. You want to take the road that comes after this one. I saw this sign last month.


DrMcMeow t1_ithypo9 wrote

people still get stuck down there thinking they know better, spinning tires until they're sunk up to their undercarriage.

"how was i supposed to know?"


eljefino t1_itib3yq wrote

The locals have huge plywood signs for the same reason on the way to Canobie Lake Park.


UrHumbleNarr8or t1_itie8as wrote

This would only make me curious. Could they just say that the road is muddy, unpaved, and cars get stuck? That would likely work a lot better


eccarina t1_itijcvc wrote

The people that live there will yell at you too if you even dare go down that way, even to turn around. They’ll yell out from their lawn, “can’t you read the sign???!!!”


MrKyle666 t1_ititc89 wrote

Always throws me for a loop seeing my tiny ass hometown mentioned online.


danimal207 t1_itiyjx3 wrote

I couldn’t resist taking the path less travelled last time I brought the kids to pick apples


DunceMemes t1_itiz596 wrote

I could have used one of those signs in Baldwin the other day. The road appeared to go straight through but then it tapered down to a "closed for winter maintenance" goat path of a dirt road.


otakugrey t1_itjb8u3 wrote

Google isn't always automatically right about everything.

If you input my own parents house into google maps and apple maps both take you to a quarry on an entirely separate road. OpenStreetMap is correct, though,


TzedekTirdof t1_itjcs0k wrote

Road haunted by Amish ghosts; hate technology


dont_think_outofstep t1_itjesz8 wrote

I did this in vermont and ignored a sign. then my edibles hit. wound up on single lane cliff roads (as wide as 1 car, no rails, cliff dropoff) that lead to broken jeep trails. no cell reception. At one point I had a vague ufo type experience alone in a field when I stopped to pee under the full moon in a field and I turned and saw an unmoving jet black circle next to me unlike anything visually where I was. I cried at one point. It was a nightmare. Took me hours at night to figure it out. never ignore these signs.


Photografeels t1_itjnp5y wrote

You can make suggestions on Google Maps to correct wrong addresses. I did it for a friends farm and occasionally Google will send me an email telling X # of people have benefited from my update


robbins290 t1_itl6kp7 wrote

I see limerick on the news alot. Panty theif, the dude walking down the hill and got hit, the dollar general thing, the snow mobile thing, the koi in pickerl pond. Never for anything good. Still not ashamed of it tho. Love limerick.


splorfer t1_itlgooy wrote

I've tried to tell Google a few times that this one road in Aroostook county doesn't exist, was only at best ever an access road for tractors. They don't listen even though it's obviously covered in downed trees and things on street view, lol.


Kai_Emery t1_itli006 wrote

My parents camp rd is a dead end. GPS doesn’t know this. There is a similar sign at the “other end” telling you to gtfo.


JAP42 t1_itltcgw wrote

That's typically because the town has it on a map. 911 street maps that all towns are supoose to have is where maps typically get thier data. User suggestions can help but usually you need more then one report unless your a local guide or have a really high user score. It's hard to get reports when your north of the internet.


costillaultima t1_itm3lz6 wrote

Accidentally missed that sign first time I went that way but didn't get stuck. I've learned not to trust Google maps since then.


fowlfly12 t1_itm7vgu wrote

The most useful street sign in maine.


Shilo788 t1_itq9zwe wrote

Yeah the dirt road that accesses my dirt road is listed as a road where it is at best an atv trail and my road is gated but shows on Google as public and open.