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Flat-Dark-Earth t1_irn3azt wrote

I used to think like you do until I read more into the subject. Trophy hunting is the largest contributor to conservation efforts in Africa and is the #1 reason why the large game species haven't been poached to extinction.

The tags are granted for carefully selected past-prime bulls that are no longer able to breed. Taking these animals relieves some of the pressure on the remaining younger populations as there is less competition for food and resources.

None of the food is wasted in a "trophy hunt" as 100% of the kill is given to the local communities, those that have the highest need for this protein source.

There is also the financial aspect of these hunts which cost between 5 and 6 figures. This income stimulates the local economies, employs local guides and most importantly puts a monetary value on these game animals.

This alone is the number one reason incentivises the locals to manage these game populations opposed to poaching them.


ggtffhhhjhg t1_irn3ser wrote

I sure I he did this out of the kindness of his bleeding heart because he cares so much about all living creatures.


technosquirrelfarms t1_iro165v wrote

Yea, I definitely appreciate there is a positive aspect, but I really wish we as a society could do the right things purely out of the desire to do the right thing. Effing capitalism


MaintenanceJunior375 t1_iroq2gc wrote

What would you deem the right thing? Have the game ranger kill it for no cost and then have the African nation pay to have it butchered and distributed rather than have the large amount of money generated from a rich hunter cover all the costs plus more?