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MaineMota t1_irnsmoc wrote

But these days there are so many new tools and technology that take some of the wear and tear off of our bodies. I thank you for your sacrifice.


scarface_al_pacino t1_iroas6c wrote

Such as? I’m 22 working as a wrench and my knees and joints are absolutely wrecked today after the work week. Good insoles, I’m not a fatass, always lift heavy shit safely. Just curious what I’m doing wrong.


kauaime t1_iropjzq wrote

I feel your pain brother. Physical therapy/exercise, diet, and or change careers and I hate to say it but it only gets worse. I started working on cars for money at 14 and made it to 59.


bigandymans t1_irp8pyz wrote

It sounds counter intuitive but going to the gym before work helps me a lot, and stretching/yoga does wonders.


MaineMota t1_irop7bt wrote

You’re not jerking with your back.


CoastalSailing t1_irostbb wrote

Guy I'm in my 30s and my body is wrecked from 17 years of blue collar work.

There's nothing that will alleviate the physical toll of the trades.

You'll be in great shape, but it's hard.


MaineMota t1_irpdw5q wrote

Physical toll of the trades. I’ve been doing it all since I was a wee lad. It’s not that bad. Tough work of course, but my body feels great!!


CoastalSailing t1_irq068d wrote

And I had to get a full shoulder replacement last year.

Ones personal experience isn't statistically significant.

Blue collar work is paid for with your body.