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NeoPhaneron t1_itg76hr wrote

Just to be clear, nobody is putting drugs in the candy. It’s just a ploy to scare literally everyone in America into buying candy from the same six companies every year instead of making their own.

Also, this guy is a pos, and should never have been able to get his second job in law enforcement .


gathmoon OP t1_itg7kzp wrote

I know no one is putting drugs in candy. But this guy probably would. He didn't just get a new job in law enforcement he ran for office.


JustAGreenDreamer t1_itgch8c wrote

Only if he’s getting a blowie in the cruiser for ‘em. This guy ain’t giving drugs away for free.


NeoPhaneron t1_itgpzp3 wrote

So you’re telling me that the title of your post is willful misinformation then?

Edit: To be clear, as a parent of two I only read this article to see if there was actually anyone putting drugs in candy.