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AnxiousWillingness t1_itzh7uq wrote

Hated the 2 years I spent at UMaine. The administration was, the huge classes for 100 level lectures, the food, the whole place sucks. Much preffered USM, not that the administration was better, but the smaller classes and the faculty were better.


WangnanJahad t1_iu02la2 wrote

Though to be fair, the guy is looking at Graduate studies...which is way way WAY way different than undergrad at Orono.

But yea, Orono is and always was a party school. When I went there were at least three parties during the week at various dorms (RAs always turned a blind eye) and several on the weekends.


tracyinge t1_iu0dg04 wrote

The food must have changed over the years because back when I was there many moons ago the cafeteria food was awesome. You could even get french fries for breakfast.