Submitted by riefpirate t3_ygp7do in Maine

To me Bruce Poliquin represents the biggest problem with politics in the United States. He knows he has no shot but it is so lucrative he runs anyway. We need to get money out of politics now !!



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Bywater t1_iu9pgyu wrote

The fact politicians can now "Pay themselves back" from campaign pools means it's just going to get worse.


bluebacktrout207 t1_iub0j7a wrote

Pay yourself back means you have to spend money first. They aren't making a profit just getting reimbursed.


Bywater t1_iubi727 wrote

Ya, I mean I am sure none of them would overinflate how much they spent on campaigning to get that campaign cash direct without having to go through the bullshit of writing a book and buying all the copies or whatever...


psilosophist t1_iubn88w wrote

Good thing it’s extremely difficult to “spend” money in ways that can circumvent laws and tax statutes.


GoArmyNG t1_iucwymc wrote

And yet, politicians still find a way.....


3490goat t1_iub8d1a wrote

Yeah. And when their campaign is funded by their opposition (or proponents of an opposition party) then they basically get paid to run. Such a messed up system


Xyzzydude t1_iudoyoy wrote

A common tactic for hiding donations from embarrassing donors is to loan your campaign the amount the donor agrees to donate. After the election is over, the embarrassing donor makes his promised donation, and then the campaign pays back the loan.

Seen it several times in local races. Usually the donor is a big developer or owner of a noxious business.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iu9udwc wrote

That and term limits.


Septicrogue t1_iu9yp0g wrote

Add an age limit to that list and then we are talking. No reason a geriatric with one foot in the grave should be in politics.


riefpirate OP t1_iua5s7m wrote

I agree with age limits not term limits, the reason is experience is the best teacher.


monsterscallinghome t1_iuatq3x wrote

Yeah, we already have a revolving door between politics & business. Term limits will only make that worse, and will also (further) incentivize short-term thinking, instant gratification as policy, and outright corruption. Not to mention jettisoning talented, experienced, passionate public servants in favor of the latest loudest screamer isnt the best plan? Would you trade Bernie Sanders for an endless parade of Madison Cawthorns? Mandatory retirement age would be far more effective, to my mind, and hopefully would incentivize the uplifting of strong young voices rather than the current trend of backbiting and internecine warfare. Pelosi should be mentoring AOC and the whole fucking Squad, not undermining them. If she knew she only had x number of years left in office, maybe she would.


GoArmyNG t1_iucxixr wrote

I still think that, while you have a point, experience brings knowledge, career politicians are part of the problem. Our "representatives" in DC, and even Augusta, have become completely out of touch with the people they're supposed to be representing. Many of them, like Bruce Poloquin, are using their position for personal monetary gain.

At this point, I disagree with the term public servant. I don't believe any of them have the people's best interests in mind.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iudg7t3 wrote

Thing is crooked folks stay in positions forever. Or become corrupt over time. If you can’t get something done in 4 or 5 years then it’s time to go and if the next person elected starts undoing good that the last person did then you elected the wrong candidate.


riefpirate OP t1_iudjx17 wrote

I understand that corruption is the biggest problem but if we could somehow limit the powers of congress we could tackle that problem from a different perspective.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iudk6jj wrote

The Supreme Court has been particularly fucked up as of recent as well. Using their personal beliefs when it comes time to make decisions that effects all of us.


riefpirate OP t1_iudkf9u wrote

I consider the SCOTUS as illegitimate they don't represent the views of the people.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iudkwmv wrote

Nope just their own religious beliefs. Start taxing the church and see how quick things change.


Solar_Saves t1_iuax58w wrote

I like how when asked about Social Security and Medicare, he says “my 94 year old mother depends on Social Security and Medicare… Why would I cut a program that my own mother depends on?” A quick google and you find out Poliquin is worth “Bruce Poliquin's estimated net worth for 2017 is $14,223,507”… A millionaire that makes his mother depend on Social Security? And Medicare ? Really? Sounds like an ungrateful son to not help his own mother out with a few million in some family holding company…


TriggasaurusRekt t1_iubgfrm wrote

It's also not an answer to the question. But of course he can't answer it because the Republican party agenda has long been to cut medicare and SS and Poliquin is far too much of a coward to buck the party line.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iui11je wrote

Oh shit, they still have an agenda? I seriously doubt that


TriggasaurusRekt t1_iujtr3m wrote

yeah dude, the agenda is to cut taxes and social spending, always has been always will be


sirgoofs t1_iue3awo wrote

She probably has to borrow money from him when she runs low on food at the end of the month. One of his secretaries probably takes it down to her


Smokin77 t1_iu9w0td wrote

Outside influence still pays the game though. I've seen a lot of ads that come from the parties with all smear and mud. I agree, if money was not the issue and it was true public service IMHO we'd have representation again, not profiteering.


grc207 t1_iubcqj9 wrote

Let’s take off the partisan goggles for a second. Poliquin has held the seat previously. Why does he have no shot? And do we know that Poliquin et al are outspending Golden? I genuinely am curious where this post is coming from.


TarantinoFan23 t1_iui1bxo wrote

I think he is saying our candidates are going to be more greedy because of the financial windfall of running(regardless of outcome).


[deleted] t1_iu9z3de wrote



Lieutenant_Joe t1_iua3nkt wrote

Because he made the Maine GOP spend 60% of its budget in 2020 on trying and failing to get ranked choice voting repealed while a third of the state’s small businesses shut down due to Democrat COVID policy. Anybody who’s dumb enough to miss such a golden opportunity for the sake of his own ego straight up doesn’t deserve to win, especially against someone like Jared Golden who makes a genuine attempt at appealing to everyone in spite of how polarized we’ve become. If Bruce wins anyway, then Maine’s second district fucking deserves him.


riefpirate OP t1_iua5h6n wrote

Because he was such a horrible rep the first time!! He put more $$$ in his own bank account than he ever dew to the people of Maine. His own mother wouldn't vote for him !!


[deleted] t1_iua79s8 wrote



riefpirate OP t1_iua7hfm wrote

The thing that pisses me off is the issues we have now are entirely the Republicans fault .


sirgoofs t1_iue3qkt wrote

The pandemic, inflation, and the price of oil were all directly caused by Janet Mills- P LeP


riefpirate OP t1_iue91x2 wrote

Tjats the stupidest thing I ever heard lol !! He did say that too , like Mills calls the oil producers and yells them to charge more!


FragilousSpectunkery t1_iubgmd6 wrote

He was just starting with himself, and if only he had been re-elected then you were next! /s


MontEcola t1_iubgrni wrote

I agree.

TV, radio and other outlets make a ton of money running their ads. Too many politicians lie and make personal attacks that we need to put up with.

I would like to see a law where the TV network can be sued if they run an ad that later proves to have false information. When I was a kid, stations often refused to run those ads. Some still do, but not enough. I would like to see the politicians get sued too. But having the media company held responsible for lies would make a huge difference.


Purple-Two636 t1_iudwj2d wrote

Bruce Poliquin is a great example of someone who can spend, spend, spend, and still lose. I couldn’t agree more with your statement: get money out of politics. While we’re at it, let’s get the money out of the media as well.


Longjumping_West_907 t1_iudnsjg wrote

Sorry to say this but Poloquin certainly does have a chance to win that race. I think Jared Golden is a much better person to represent CD2 but that district voted for trump by 7 points. Poloquin would not be getting millions of dollars in direct and indirect spending if he didn't have a realistic chance. The R candidate in CD1 isn't getting that support because he doesn't have a chance.


TheUnknownNut22 t1_iudss6r wrote

I'll add that it's also so wrong that campaigns are measured by the amount of money they raise. So wrong. And where does all the money go? Are there publicly available reports?


smokinLobstah t1_iucwi0p wrote

Money/influence has dominated politics since the days of the Roman Senate...

Politics IS money and influence, and no bill/law/executive order will ever change that.

Just sayin