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riefpirate OP t1_iua5s7m wrote

Reply to comment by Septicrogue in Money in politics by riefpirate

I agree with age limits not term limits, the reason is experience is the best teacher.


monsterscallinghome t1_iuatq3x wrote

Yeah, we already have a revolving door between politics & business. Term limits will only make that worse, and will also (further) incentivize short-term thinking, instant gratification as policy, and outright corruption. Not to mention jettisoning talented, experienced, passionate public servants in favor of the latest loudest screamer isnt the best plan? Would you trade Bernie Sanders for an endless parade of Madison Cawthorns? Mandatory retirement age would be far more effective, to my mind, and hopefully would incentivize the uplifting of strong young voices rather than the current trend of backbiting and internecine warfare. Pelosi should be mentoring AOC and the whole fucking Squad, not undermining them. If she knew she only had x number of years left in office, maybe she would.


GoArmyNG t1_iucxixr wrote

I still think that, while you have a point, experience brings knowledge, career politicians are part of the problem. Our "representatives" in DC, and even Augusta, have become completely out of touch with the people they're supposed to be representing. Many of them, like Bruce Poloquin, are using their position for personal monetary gain.

At this point, I disagree with the term public servant. I don't believe any of them have the people's best interests in mind.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iudg7t3 wrote

Thing is crooked folks stay in positions forever. Or become corrupt over time. If you can’t get something done in 4 or 5 years then it’s time to go and if the next person elected starts undoing good that the last person did then you elected the wrong candidate.


riefpirate OP t1_iudjx17 wrote

I understand that corruption is the biggest problem but if we could somehow limit the powers of congress we could tackle that problem from a different perspective.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iudk6jj wrote

The Supreme Court has been particularly fucked up as of recent as well. Using their personal beliefs when it comes time to make decisions that effects all of us.


riefpirate OP t1_iudkf9u wrote

I consider the SCOTUS as illegitimate they don't represent the views of the people.


MegatonDeathclaws t1_iudkwmv wrote

Nope just their own religious beliefs. Start taxing the church and see how quick things change.