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SomethingCoolTitan t1_isyiqsh wrote

The person with the most votes


costabius t1_isyn14e wrote

Whoa whoa slow down there bub. How do we know our guy is gonna have the most votes and it 'aint election fraud?


GhostOfLords t1_isyme1g wrote

Mills can win if Democrats/the left do the following: vote.

If Mills isn’t your cup of tea or doesn’t fit your idea of a unicorn candidate, she is leaps and bounds better than Lepage.

Don’t expect anyone to do your voting for you: you have to get out a vote. Shaming people into voting your way won’t get Mills elected nor will sitting out an election to prove a point do anything except tilt the ratio towards Lepage.

To my fellow moderates/centrists leaning toward Mills: you have to vote. Don’t let complacency or the comfort of your echo chamber convince you that Mills has this tied up. You have vote!

Maine is by and dad one of the easier states to vote. There is no excuse for not voting.


Porcupine-Baseball t1_isyq7vg wrote

Someone choosing not to vote for the lesser of two evils is not to be looked down upon.


Antnee83 t1_isytktd wrote

I think that held true 6 years ago. I think the difference now is so stark, and the right's actions (and the effects) so vile that yeah, I kinda do look down on you for that.

I've set aside my absolute disgust for the democratic party for now, because throwing women and minorities into a christian nationalist meat grinder is the alternative.


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isyqugl wrote

Yes just sit elections out you'll show em. This lesser of two evils nonsense is redundant and reveals how little you think you have to lose.


Standsaboxer t1_iszomh2 wrote

This is how we got Trump.


Porcupine-Baseball t1_it26zvp wrote

This shows a poor understanding of why Trump was elected, and why populist morons will continue to be elected.


Standsaboxer t1_it2fu32 wrote

Curious as to why you think Mills is "evil."

Note: moved comment for better clarity.


3490goat t1_iszcdjn wrote

I disagree. You have a choice between two viable (likely to have a good chance of success) candidates. You may not like either, but one of those choices may have positive or negative benefits more than the other. Both short term and long term.

At the end of the day your vote is YOUR vote. Just vote


DidDunMegasploded t1_it0xsrh wrote

Welcome to the political climate of today, bud. "Lesser of two evils" voting is the norm now. Take it or leave it.


Porcupine-Baseball t1_it26wbh wrote

I understand that. I leave it more often than not. For example, I won't be voting for Governor, but I will be voting for Jared Golden.


2SticksPureRage t1_it29b29 wrote

I got you. No one gets my vote automatically just because they have the D next to their name. I’m sitting this election out as well as I simply don’t like any of their values/legislation. I get to vote for Mills and Golden… none of which are striking any good vibes for me.

One less D vote she/he and everyone else running on the platform will have. If this is how we got Trump then the Ds have learned nothing in 6 years. This shouldn’t matter in the end to them anyways as I really feel like the democrats are a party for families and immigrants and I’m not either of those.

The abortion ruling really shaped my view a little bit too and with mills saying she will do nothing to change existing law there went my last reason to vote for her.


Bywater t1_isytyqm wrote

I suspect anyone with an R is going to be in a bad way, the Penguin even more so as we already dealt with his shit for 8 years and no one who wasn't going to vote for him anyway believes a single thing he says at this point. I think that I am like a lot of Mainers and am anti-political and generally unimpressed with anyone we get to vote for. However, I will vote dem simply because of harm reduction.

I mean right off the top of my head the hate on LGBQT and the rebirth of blood libel slander. The hating for immigrants and using them as political props. They got rid of ROE, something I didn't think would ever fucking happen as it had been a right to body autonomy for half a century and using that same SCOTUS to make war on unions. Now they are openly talking about aiming their sights at social security and medicare and I believe that they would absolutely fuck over all those elderly folks who need that shit and paid into it their whole lives. I am really at the point where I think anyone voting for them has to be either dumb as a fucking stump or just full of fucking hate and kind of evil.

And don't get me started on this prosperity gospel bullshit Christianity they push, while not a devout Christian or anything having been raise that way as child it turns my stomach to see politicians and leaders do the exact opposite of what Christ taught get supported because they drag around a bible and a cross.


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isyuou8 wrote

Everything you listed is exactly why I'm voting too. I can't imagine what will happen if they have more power. The fact that a lot of these issues are underestimated or ignored completely in the media is also pretty frightening. All of this is happening under our noses and the ones sounding the alarm are still being painted as hysterical. It shows how much of this hatred has been steadily normalized over time.


Stunning_Ambition_16 t1_isyvk9a wrote

If yard signs voted, the R ticket will sweep it all. It’s depressing.


[deleted] t1_isyz5um wrote

even here in blue Camden there are a shitload of LePage signs (alongside all the local R candidates). I am crossing my fingers it's simply the Republican urge to advertise their team.
as an aside, a Republican woman running for our state rep sent out mailers about something something schools serving parents which was obviously code for banning books, etc. Thing is, there has been zero drama at any of our schools. We love our schools. People move here for the schools. This woman is fabricating problems that don't exist.


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isz7jms wrote

The manufactured outrage about things that aren't even happening is scary. I've seen enough of these people raving at school board meetings. I'm glad it isn't happening here .


Salmence100 t1_iszz5xo wrote

Most of the Ds have the common sense to not idolize or associate your entire persona around politicians


mostassuredlyafish t1_isyxpyg wrote

To be fair, someone has been going around and just putting those everywhere. I've come home a half-dozen times to find that I magically became a LePage household while out.


2SticksPureRage t1_it2a5wo wrote

😂 this is what everyone thought about all the trump signs too. Those signs are put up in cities and towns with traffic. They aren’t put into random residential suburban homes yards that frequently a dozen times!


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isyxrqs wrote

They keep assuming that anything less than cultlike worship means people aren't going to vote against their guy.


66698 t1_it1kg1w wrote

The irony of telling people they’re in a cult is dumbfounded. both side are a cult. Being controlled like a puppet


Ninac5 t1_it2xcag wrote

Ah thank you enlightened centrist


66698 t1_it2xk6x wrote

Keep adding proof to the pudding :)


Ninac5 t1_it2ycy3 wrote

Not really 😂


66698 t1_it2yzmh wrote

You just labeled/categorized me. Which was an incorrect assumption. Stop being a hypocrite.


Ninac5 t1_it310pa wrote

You accused me of being in a cult because I don’t worship trump or any other politician . That’s categorizing and you’re not proving a point. You’re just taking offense and making bizarre accusations. A hit dog hollers . I’m not sure why you think you made a point 😂


66698 t1_it31ra8 wrote

I said. Both political parties are a cult. Never specified you:) you cannot tell people. They’re in a cult. When both sides are beyond corrupt and you’re supporting one pointing fingers at the others.


Ninac5 t1_it31qk7 wrote

Telling people they’re “puppets” for voting is not comparable to cult worship of politicians to the point that you never think they’re wrong , wear their shirts and hats everywhere, put up flags with their name in your yard and bumper stickers on your car and attack the u.s capitol carrying flags with his name on it because he lost an election. Sorry you can’t spot the difference and feel the need to shout “BOTHESIDES” into the void


Ninac5 t1_it31zsb wrote

You said it was ironic which was clearly an implication that everyone is somehow in a cult for voting. That’s not a bold and enlightening statement lol


66698 t1_it322ua wrote

Do you keep editing your post. ? You good ?


Ninac5 t1_it3263z wrote

No, where does it say I edited my post….?


66698 t1_it328fi wrote

You changed that comment three times.


Ninac5 t1_it32cvx wrote

Responding in three separate comments isn’t “editing” . It doesn’t say that anywhere


jasonhitsthings t1_it1jpvr wrote

Yard signs don't mean anything. If anything, I feel most dems don't bother with them because they're a waste of resources. That money could be better spent elsewhere. I mean, there are friggin' Trump signs still out from 2020. I think it speaks volumes as to who thinks political signs matter one bit. I mean, has a sign ever swayed your vote?


mostassuredlyafish t1_isyq5bq wrote

LePage has a lot less fire than he had last time. Almost wonder if his heart is acting up again.

Honestly, I think he'll lose. He's just not putting the energy into this run. It feels strangely half-hearted. Minimal interaction.

I imagine a large part of him would like to lose and quietly retreat to the warmth of Florida.

Did someone force him to do this? Because it never felt like his idea to return.


Jakelshark t1_isyrglk wrote

Maybe he just saw the chance to be associated with a PAC, get donations to spend how the PAC sees fit (wink wink), and then when he loses...oh well. But the PAC keeps the money they did or didn't spend because it's not the candidate's personal campaign fund (wink wink)


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isyr4vn wrote

Yeah that's the way it seemed to me too. And his weird distancing from Trump and abortion as if he himself didn't say he was "Trump before Trump". What a strange decision to run in the first place.


Jakelshark t1_isyrxj7 wrote

I'm still convinced Trump ran in 2016 to make money and wasn't serious about winning. Just like I don't think he's that serious about running again, but is happy to send out fundraising emails all the time

(And I'm not saying Trump is a unique politician in this regard, just more brazen)


Anstigmat t1_isyqmcp wrote

I do think we're living in the worst timeline but LePage seems like he isn't trying. Maybe they have internal polling telling them that he's definitely going to lose or something, it's strange. Maybe he realized that being retired is better than working?

Whatever happens, we should continue to pressure legislators to amend the State Constitution to allow RCV on ALL Maine elections. The system works, it's great. We need to prevent our state from being run by complete asshats like Bruce Poliquin.


costillaultima t1_it1p1iw wrote

I'm hoping and voting for Lepage if only because I prefer just about any Republican to any Democrat politician.


2SticksPureRage t1_it29oq3 wrote

So you care only about the letter next to their name not their platform? Lol, sounds about right for that party.

Haha, you’d have to vote for the likes of some people like Herschel Walker!!


costillaultima t1_it2ql1n wrote

Really? Democrats do the same don't even try to play otherwise you were the ones that had the slogan vote blue no matter who.


2SticksPureRage t1_it2tuwc wrote

Not me. Democrats. You don’t even know how I vote/who I vote for or what I do with my vote. YOU on the other hand have said this is how you vote.

Also, if democrats thought this and lived by it how exactly did Susan Collins get re-elected??


costillaultima t1_it2uyut wrote

You said "sounds about right for that party." That leaves only likely 3 possibilities first is you don't vote, second is you're a Democrat that votes Democrat, the third is you're registered as independent but vote democrat more often than not. Also it doesn't mean anything if there's some exceptions. That's like trying to use the intersex argument for why a man can supposedly be a woman.


2SticksPureRage t1_it2wrxd wrote

Yup. Sounds about right for that party! There’s also more options than that lol. Do you think just because I have a conflicting view of yours I can’t be Republican? That sounds about right for that party too!


costillaultima t1_it2y3hb wrote

I'm done there's no point in talking to a troll like you.


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_it2z52v wrote

A troll= someone who doesn't agree with you


costillaultima t1_it314h2 wrote

A troll=someone who doesn't appear to be in any way talking sincerely but rather just because they want conflict or to rile people up that is them no doubt


Antnee83 t1_isysqk9 wrote

I've said it repeatedly: I think LePage will win by a cunt hair.

  1. I straight up do not trust state-level polling. It's consistently really wrong; look at the margins of Collins' wins against what she was polled at. Sometimes double-digit differences.

  2. The environment is not at all favorable to Democrat incumbents.

I think if he loses, it will be because of the Abortion pushback. That's the wildcard nationwide at the moment, and frankly I don't believe that the average voter has the memory span to stay that mad about something to make a difference.

I guess we'll see.


hike_me t1_isyu6vz wrote

Collins managed to get a significant number of split ticket voters. I don’t see LePage doing that.


Antnee83 t1_isyuthu wrote

That's true, but also not relevant to what I said.

She polled much much lower than her actual results. That holds true for a lot of republicans in many states. I think polling firms have yet to come to grips with the fact that there is a growing Shy Tory effect happening, and reweight their models accordingly.


metalandmeeples t1_isyzjqd wrote

One silver lining here is that aggregate sites like FiveThirtyEight still gave Collins a 41% chance of winning:

I assume this is likely because Collins has cross-party support due to the image of bipartisanship.

They give LePage 7-8% depending on the day you look despite there being no new polls:

LePage is LePage and he has a support ceiling. He will win if Democrats don't have a strong turnout. Republicans will surely have a strong turnout.


Bywater t1_iszjik1 wrote

You say that but the few I still talk to said they belive it is all rigged and are not going to bother.


Ok-Box8267 OP t1_isytfig wrote

That's true. Every time I look at the polls I remember how far ahead they had Gideon and a number of others in 2020. If he wins, I'm sure those cries of a "rigged" election will magically disappear into thin air.