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New-Work-139 t1_is6hbgf wrote

Folks we could do so much worse than Janet Mills. She’s fiscally responsible, competent, and seems reasonably open minded.

Notwithstanding those with a radical political ideology, she’s really the best we could hope for given the state of US politics.

And I say this as what Reddit would probably call a “conservative.”


3490goat t1_is6wjnh wrote

I think she did a good job during her term, pandemic and all that uncertainty. She earned my vote with her actions which is more than I can say about the other candidates


DidDunMegasploded t1_is76qrs wrote

Lesser of two evils. I would choose her over LeChonk any day of the week.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_is7kxcx wrote

I feel the same way about her as I do Joe Biden. “I’d rather not, but holy shit that other guy Jesus fuckin Christ”


meowmix778 t1_is79hpp wrote

She's somewhere between incompetent and a liar on some policies but she's done a lot of good. Especially in COVID. We've had one of the best outcomes out of any state. She's honestly a really good choice.


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is6x4s4 wrote

I assume by “fiscal responsibility” you mean using the billions of federal COVID funds to supplement shutting down the state economy for nearly 2 years, slaughtering small business revenue while multi-billion dollar corporations made all time high profits quarter after quarter. Why do you think she claims “We have giving Mainers ‘relief checks’ without raising taxes.”? Because the state received 10 billion in federal funding!! Her economic and COVID policy forced people to stay home and not work while they gave some Mainers 800 dollars to ‘help out with inflation’. I’m not saying Paul Lepage is the answer here, but Janet Mills policies are far from fiscally responsible. Inflation is at its highest in decades, common household goods, oil, electricity and everything else you need to live are fucking exploding in price while wages lag behind. How does this resemble resemble fiscal responsibility in the slightest? Wake the fuck up


New-Work-139 t1_is6y5ek wrote

Maine just saw a surplus of over $1B and is now significantly better situated than the average state in terms of its cash reserves. Working to secure comparatively larger amounts of federal funding is literally part of Mills's job description.

Oh, and Maine has one of the lowest inflation rates in the nation right now.

That's how it resembles fiscal responsibility.



06_tundra_4x4 t1_is715hr wrote

Who pays for the 1B? The American Taxpayer. Perhaps if the feds and the state hadn’t shut down the economy, they wouldn’t need to pump billions of tax money (that we don’t really even have) into “COVID relief”.


New-Work-139 t1_is71evm wrote

I’m sorry are you actually trying to blame a state governor for federal monetary policy? Do you even understand how the US political system works…?


raynedanser t1_is781j9 wrote

>hadn’t shut down the economy



Super_Ad_2578 t1_is85wwi wrote

Were you born last night or did you sustain a concussion? All of these nonsense takes seem to raise those possibilities.


keanenottheband t1_is6zk63 wrote

Lmao imagine thinking Mills is responsible for inflation and telling others to wake up hahahaha


CptnAlex t1_is6yfvc wrote

You’re blaming a governor of a state of 1.3 million people for entirely global problems and you’re telling others to wake the fuck up?

She did a really good job considering what she had to deal with. Every single complaint you have are issues affecting nearly 8 billion people. So please, sit the fuck down.


FolsomPrisonHues t1_is6y9wv wrote

Wait how are we on lock down again? She also literally took the money from the surplus for those checks and that was a Republican idea to begin with


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is71e2l wrote

Ahh yes the republicans love spending money they don’t have just as much as the democrats


FolsomPrisonHues t1_is79tra wrote

At least Democrats try to help people by spending money. Republicans just want to grease their own wheels


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is7bxh4 wrote

Try again. Do you know Nancy Pelosi, Barrack Obama, and the Clintons net worth? Not anything you can make on a federal employee? Try in the sums of hundreds of millions. Their hands are just as dirty as the republicans.


FolsomPrisonHues t1_is7ccjv wrote

Did I say anything about them being clean? No. I'd just rather have competent politicians than petulant children who can't run on policy so they create culture wars to keep their brain dead constituents angry. The Dems don't have an Hour of Hate like the GOP does on Fox every night


06_tundra_4x4 t1_is7fm7b wrote

Fuck them all, every last one of them. Too many of you on the left AND the right are caught up saying “the other side says and does ABC, they are the enemy, I am righteous!!!” Perhaps you have been misled and have been taught to hate your fellow American for having similar values, but opposing means for economic and political policy


FolsomPrisonHues t1_is7zbbp wrote

Let me guess, single issue voter who votes GOP down ballet because of guns?


raynedanser t1_is77vtz wrote

> shutting down the state economy for nearly 2 years

My dear sweet summer child. We had a deadly, highly contagious, global pandemic going on. Was she supposed to simply ignore it? Silly child. If she'd done that, you would have been upset when everyone around you died from Covid because she didn't do enough. Governor Mills was in an impossible situation. She still is as people blame her for things that are not in her control.


MaineSoxGuy93 t1_is7ws3k wrote

Did we even shut down the economy? I feel like things went back to a little below normal in about a year or so.


raynedanser t1_is802qg wrote

Indeed. We hit the pause button, tried to minimize loss of life (Gods forbid)... But the economy chugged along.


yallternative_dude t1_isatfql wrote

What do you think Janet Mills did that contributed to inflation? Do you believe that inflation is worse in Maine than in other states? If not, what makes you believe that Janet Mills is directly to blame? What do you think should have been done during the outbreak of COVID?


Ok_Buy_4871 t1_is86hnc wrote

They hate you the most, when they know deep in their dark souls your right and intellectually honest, whilst they wallow in emotionally based victimhood
