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IgotThereFromHere t1_ium3pgw wrote

Wicked short recap: The link is a petition to "demand transparency" because one of the new Westbrook PD civilian assistants was allegedly a director at the Elan school.


ServiceMX t1_iuog7xf wrote

Substantiated. She absolutely did serve as the director at Elan during her time there.


sacredblasphemies t1_ium9zgp wrote

The Behind the Bastards podcast has a good episode about Synanon and The Elan School. It is fucked up...


Bywater t1_iumxrih wrote

Robert does real good work. My SiL was there briefly back in the day, you absolutely do not want anyone that had anything at all to do with that place anywhere near people in distress.


Adventurous_Deer t1_iumbiki wrote

I listened to that episode ~6 months ago! I was so surprised when they said it was in Maine, I had no idea


DalvadorSali t1_iulwm14 wrote

Any more info you'd like to give?


raynedanser t1_ium8mcr wrote

If you click, there's plenty of info.


[deleted] t1_iumg0h9 wrote

or how about just giving the info here so I am not clicking a potentially dangerous link. Yea, sure, it says Doesn't matter. I don't know what's on the other end. And if you folks are too lazy to tell me what this is about it must not be important enough to you.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iumo474 wrote

...Do you not have anti-virus apps installed on your phone? They can help for stuff like this.

Or, just copy the link and punch it into Google and see if it's legit.


raynedanser t1_iuml3xv wrote

Not sure how I got lumped in to "you folks" as I am definitely not, but stop being a cranky ol' sour puss and just click. That's the laziness.


acister t1_iunpsuw wrote

wow you are a scared and petty person


MabusIncarnate t1_iunhkmy wrote

Apparently what eventually took the school down was an online campaign from a reddit user, the name is available online and maybe that person, or some resources are available that can help you out here. It might be worth a shot, especially if this person, or people, created an online voice big enough to shut down that place.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iuo3fcq wrote

Clearly someone didn't do a background check. Or they did but they didn't really care.

Someone get Joe Nobody on this, stat!


MaryBitchards t1_iuok57h wrote

There was a good documentary about the Elan School not long ago. Scary what was allowed to happen there.


Lady-Kat1969 t1_iuq1jx6 wrote

Signed and shared to FB. Some of my activist friends might be able to help.