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IgotThereFromHere t1_ium3pgw wrote

Wicked short recap: The link is a petition to "demand transparency" because one of the new Westbrook PD civilian assistants was allegedly a director at the Elan school.


sacredblasphemies t1_ium9zgp wrote

The Behind the Bastards podcast has a good episode about Synanon and The Elan School. It is fucked up...


[deleted] t1_iumg0h9 wrote

or how about just giving the info here so I am not clicking a potentially dangerous link. Yea, sure, it says Doesn't matter. I don't know what's on the other end. And if you folks are too lazy to tell me what this is about it must not be important enough to you.


MabusIncarnate t1_iunhkmy wrote

Apparently what eventually took the school down was an online campaign from a reddit user, the name is available online and maybe that person, or some resources are available that can help you out here. It might be worth a shot, especially if this person, or people, created an online voice big enough to shut down that place.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iuo3fcq wrote

Clearly someone didn't do a background check. Or they did but they didn't really care.

Someone get Joe Nobody on this, stat!


MaryBitchards t1_iuok57h wrote

There was a good documentary about the Elan School not long ago. Scary what was allowed to happen there.


Lady-Kat1969 t1_iuq1jx6 wrote

Signed and shared to FB. Some of my activist friends might be able to help.