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geaibleu OP t1_iy12y7m wrote

just behind the motel, yes.


HazleNut1392 t1_iy18fwv wrote

Terrific nights at the motel, I’d assume. Scary! Haha


geaibleu OP t1_iy1bcad wrote

I never been inside but was told there are clowns looking directly at beds. I first came upon this place 10y ago by chance, completely unexpected.


HazleNut1392 t1_iy1fxn7 wrote

Sounds super comforting! :D thanks for sharing by the way! I saw it on TV once (years back). Still freaks me out, can’t imagine what it must feel like when you’re right there - completely forgot about it until today haha


geaibleu OP t1_iy3nqui wrote

Previous years the sign was cracked and added to atmosphere with its flickering fluorescent tube. Too bad it's fixed now.