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Plucious_Pleather67 t1_iwbcgrm wrote

Lobsters are bugs.

"Bub" is Maine's version of dude.

"Wicked" is not necessarily wicked.

"Dooryahd" is a front yard.

"At" is "to" As in, "She's upta camp, bub."

"Stove" means dented or damaged ....or generally fucked up. Example: If your car car got totalled you'd say, " She's stove all to hell, bub."

Coffee brandy.....a Downeast delight. Downeast starts wherever someone says it starts....usually a place where they drink coffee brandy. Downeast is up east. (This will all make sense in time) sort of. "We're goin' up Downeast....gonna get us a whole messa bugs and do'er up sumpthin' wicked, Bub."

Cumberland County is in New Hamster.

Aroostic County is in Canada, and it's called "The County"

People from Massachusetts are Massholes. Even the good ones.

People from CT and NY are just assholes.

People from anywhere other than Maine are "from away" And if you're from away you will never....never....ever be a Mainer.


StapleMEaJob t1_iweml7h wrote

People from Downeast bring their cousins to prom, unless their mom insists on going instead. They also confuse where New Hampshit starts and where Maine ends. Cumberland County doesn’t even border NH.

Once you live here longer than you’ve lived anywhere else, then you’re a Mainer. You’re a transplant Mainer, and not a Die-Hard Mainah- but once you’ve been here long enough and have fully embraced the way of the Mainiac, you’re one of us.