heady-cheese t1_iw7jtxg wrote
Hey, I am a year older living in the same town with a similar salary. I judge my situation to be comfortable, and happy, I would say you are doing more than ok! Some of my peers make more, some less. Some have whole ass families at this point. Kind of a wierd age we’re at right now.
But our bills are paid, and bellies full. Considering most of our parents were able to buy houses at around our age, we aren’t doing so bad given the circumstances.
ScarletFire21 t1_iw7k926 wrote
Good point. Some dude my age was complaining about making $70k the other day and I had to find an exit. Couldn’t believe it
AssumptionLivid6879 t1_iw7oxey wrote
Ive complained about making a household income of $250k, I’ve complained when I made $150k, 50k, 35k, 20k (32 years old now). Ultimately it’s finding happiness and balance in your current situation. It’s amazing how the middle class trap is set up where you can always end up paycheck to paycheck if you don’t practice smart spending. It’s the exact same concept of body weight.
At the end of the day you need to consider the balance of work and time. Your salary with a solid 40 hours (never need to stay late, never need to fly for work, never need to commute more than an hour, never need to work early) is a good deal
passthepeanutbutter t1_iw84z13 wrote
This! It amazes me how an increase an salary sounds amazing at the time and can help with a lot of things, but it is still very easy to live paycheck to paycheck. In the last 5 years I’ve gone from $45k to $100k and I feel like my spending has just gone up with it. It’s a hard thing to reign back in.
opuntina t1_iw88wop wrote
Bad spending habits and poor money management will do that
PuzzleheadedMine2168 t1_iwbswfw wrote
So will changing your family size from ONE to FOUR with two added kids--as the person above did. Don't be "that person" who doesn't understand how expenses work.
opuntina t1_iwca8zt wrote
That will definitely also do it.
toolstudio t1_iw8dnf0 wrote
Same here for time and pay. Except now I have a 3 yo, a 15 yo step kid and a house rather than cheap rent from a family member. Doubled my pay, but money's even tighter.
Xyzzydude t1_iw8ehix wrote
Contentment with enough is not an easy attitude to adopt but it makes life so much better. It took me until my 50s to figure that out, don’t be like me and wait too long.
squirrels_rootbeer t1_iw8d7b7 wrote
Yes, this all day long.
Watches-You-Pee t1_iw9a6gl wrote
Keep in mind salary is only half the picture. If he makes 70k but has considerably more debt than you then you may be living more comfortably than he is. There's a lot of factors that play into how comfortable you are living.
Source: I make a good salary but have a lot of debt
cathar_here t1_iw7ol9e wrote
If he’s in an industry that’s paying in the range of 70-90k he would/could be mad but that’s why you should never compare yourself to others and just go with what you need and know
BeemHume t1_iwbiyr3 wrote
Comparison is the thief of joy
tonyforeman t1_iw7krh0 wrote
I wouldn’t talk about what you make etc at work. There is always someone who makes more / less . I think you are doing good for your age and circumstances. Find a goal and work towards it.
ScarletFire21 t1_iw7l1bm wrote
Wasn’t at work, was outside of work in a social setting
tonyforeman t1_iw7l2zb wrote
Same rules
AssumptionLivid6879 t1_iw7pk1m wrote
Wrong. This is why people are underpaid; talk about salary with the people you work with (that you trust), your manager, and your friends.
People that underpaid are either taken advantage of or don’t have talent. If people can bark up the tree to ask for more money, they need to be able to handle the truth on why they’re not making more money.
DidDunMegasploded t1_iw8krm9 wrote
> (that you trust)
highlights in underline with Sharpie furiously and then points
I was raised to never talk about how much I have or how much I make with anyone, especially in these times with inflation. People can and will fuck you over, especially if you make a lot.
But I digress. Just thought I would throw that out there.
Garrick420 t1_iw7tza7 wrote
Not talking about it openly just helps employers keep peoples wages down.
goldensurrender t1_iw7kop1 wrote
What is this "ass family" that you speak of?
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