Submitted by SouthBaltimore t3_ylp2jl in Maine

Maine was always an interesting state to me it rarely ever gets talked about and I'm curious on how its like up there is it warm is it cold does it rain or is it windy and what are some of the best towns/cities?



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AnxiousWillingness t1_iv00gty wrote

Sometimes it's warm and sometimes not. It rains, but never when you want it to. Now its cold, but atleast it's sunny and warm. It's green, except when it's white.

The best towns all start with P, like Portland, Presque Isle, Paugusta and and Pjackman. The people are all nice too, except if you cut them off on the road.

This question was really vague and subjective, so my answer is also vague, and sarcastic. Hopefully, though, it answers your questions about a state with at least 2 different climates and widely ranging economic environments in a neatly boiled down answer.

California was always an interesting state to me it always gets talked about and I'm curious on how its like over there is it warm is it cold does it rain or is it windy and what are some of the best towns/cities?

See how pointless the question is?


biffingtonjones t1_iuzoq49 wrote

  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. yes
  4. yes
  5. really depends on the person

SarahDrish t1_iv028nh wrote

There's a reason a lot of horror movies/TV shows are set in Maine.


800grandave t1_iv3gzri wrote

stephen kings the reason horrors are set in maine


SarahDrish t1_iv3koan wrote

Dark Shadows, the TV show, predates Stephen King's first novel.


800grandave t1_iv3o8tg wrote

ah. so one example. gotcha


SarahDrish t1_iv3r6t9 wrote

I'm sure Stephen King has a lot to do with Maine's being typecast as the "horror" state. However, those of us who were around during the Dark Shadows craze of the late 60s and early 70s know that Maine was already associated with horror and the supernatural. Thousands of people, who would never have visited Maine otherwise, flocked to the Acadia area to see the location where the fictional village of Collinsport was located. Even The Saturday Evening Post published an article entitled "In Search of Collinsport."


800grandave t1_iv441pt wrote

stephen king has everything to do with the words maine and horror. its not often you can attribute an artform in a place to one person. kinda like bob marley owns the title of king of comedy in maine


SarahDrish t1_iv460iu wrote

Stephen King has a lot to do with Maine and horror, but not everything. Who is Bob Marley?


800grandave t1_iv47k2l wrote

he has defined horror set in maine. name one other screenwriter/author that has set anything in maine. hes at the peak of katahdin for his field. are you from maine?! bob marleys a household name there


SarahDrish t1_iv4vh22 wrote

>name one other screenwriter/author that has set anything in maine.

Dan Curtis, Robert Matheson and Grace Metalious all set TV shows and books in Maine before Stephen King published his first novel.

Why are you going on ad nauseam about this? Neither the Portland Press-Herald nor the history professor quoted in the article claim King is 100 percent responsible for Maine's association with horror. You need to stand up, straighten out your panties, and attempt to calm down.


cannonball12345 t1_iuzrfy2 wrote

It’s like South Baltimore, just less specific.


Bywater t1_iuzulhm wrote

Green, Brown, White, Brown...


DidDunMegasploded t1_iv03lbg wrote

Depends on the season. Depends on the season for all of your questions.

And what the best town or city is depends on your preferences, my friend.


RAP1958 t1_iv098gn wrote

There's an old saying up here. If you don't like the Maine weather, wait a minute. This weekend will be in the 70s. Next could be in the teens. That being said, I have lived here my whole life and have never wanted to live elsewhere.


FITM-K t1_iv0sg87 wrote

> There's an old saying up here. If you don't like the Maine weather, wait a minute.

I'm pretty sure this is an old saying everywhere.


Blatts t1_iv1tima wrote

I've traveled all over this country, and I can safely say that if you ask a local anywhere, they have the worst cops and drivers, the weather is unpredictable, and they have just the best pizza / burgers


bdana666 t1_iv39pk7 wrote

I think Connecticut drivers are the worst. Go to the Connecticut sub reddit and look at the driving comments. They're lunatics. Batshit nuts.


instigator_74 t1_iv2jgah wrote

It’s horrible here, lots of violence and roving packs of feral dogs. A Sasquatch carried off my friend’s son last weekend, we’re still looking for him….

Whatever you do never come here, and let everyone you meet know how truly awful it is.


bdana666 t1_iv3ao5c wrote

It's horrible! A 1/8th acre cabin in Aroostook County (you know where THAT is? Basically Canada!) costs $750,000! Animals destroy the garden, everyone LOVES Trump, people hate each other, anyone not a straight white republican is at HIGH risk of an unnatural death, and lobster is currently $80 a pound. Half the population over 70 years old freezes to death every year.


Intel2025 t1_iuzvomn wrote

Cold as fuck with a bunch of alcoholics


Beginning_Key2167 t1_iv0x28x wrote

Maine does all those things. You can wake up to 40 below zero or wake up to 70 and humid. With mosquitoes that seem hell bent on killing you. Great seafood. Moose tend to pop up on the road when you really don’t want them there. Course a moose on the road is rarely good. People are generally nice unless they are commuting to and from work on 295. Then grandma is riding your bumper at 85 mad you won’t get over.