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svengoalie t1_ixi2opy wrote

So you are enjoying seeing your neighbors get screwed over because some vote Republican. Got it.


Bywater t1_ixi6cna wrote

Ya, that is just what I said. Hell, even as strawmen go, that shit weak Bub. It's also not what I am putting down, most of my kin is republican as fuck. They don't vote for the GoP anymore for the most part but that whole scene is a shitshow at this point. What I do not enjoy is something as broad as "lets not kill all the whales" lumped in with "lets not frack until the water catches on fire" getting lumped into politics. Straight up as soon as someone labels me a something I am not or uses a popular talking head phrase or better yet a word like communism or socialism incorrectly I have a natural reaction to no longer give a fuck what you have to say.