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lucidlilacdream t1_ixi3hfi wrote

I am interested to know what the financial impact of this is, can’t be good from a marketing aspect.

Edit: I’m talking about the financial impact on the New England seafood industry, not Whole Foods.


Wizard_with_a_Pipe t1_ixiadej wrote

There are times when money is not the most important consideration. Capitalism has no conscience.


lucidlilacdream t1_ixibu4u wrote

Yeah, but this is definitely a case where money is an important consideration lol.


Bywater t1_ixicv2y wrote

Nah, their whole "brand" is to try and be as environmentally guilt free as possible, that's why folks that shop there don't mind paying more for things.


lucidlilacdream t1_ixidt2y wrote

I think maybe people are missing what I am saying. WF is doing this to maintain an image, which is, ultimately, about money. All of this is about money and capitalism. I’m interested in what financial impact this has one the New England seafood market. Was WF a large supplier of their product? Does this have minimal impact on the seafood market? What does WF publicly dropping Maine Lobster do for the image and brand of Maine Lobster? What kind of negative impact could it have?


Bywater t1_ixif2x3 wrote

I agree, whole foods is about money but they market food that is sourced from less fucked up places. Pure speculation, but I don't imagine that it will do shit to the industry on the whole, there will be a market for the stuff abroad if nothing else. However it will absolutely impact the local eateries and pounds as the folks that "summer in Maine" have enough money to give a shit about environmentally sound sourced foods and if they hear about WH not carrying it then they are likely to skip it when they up in summer. And locals either cant afford it, are sick of it or only buy a roll or two a year anyway.


FreedomXFromme t1_ixil6v1 wrote

They can afford to lose money. Besides…fuck Jeff Bezos. You want to REALLY have a feel good shopping experience that is great for the planet and sticks it to the capitalist pigs? Shop LOCAL. Farmers markets, butchers, your local Maine fish market, etc, etc.


lucidlilacdream t1_ixipn1l wrote

I’m not talking about WF losing money. I’m talking about the impact on the New England seafood industry.


[deleted] t1_ixk1cts wrote

People’s reading comprehension goes out the window anytime they get a chance to bash the one percent.


FreedomXFromme t1_ixlkm1r wrote

My reading comprehension is just fine.


[deleted] t1_ixmelwa wrote

Obviously it isn’t. Your response of Fuck Bezos demonstrates that.


FreedomXFromme t1_ixr0tu2 wrote

Obviously you don’t know me, but your vague intentions of trying to insult my intelligence by interpreting what I wrote and didn’t write is mildly entertaining.