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Professional-Leg659 OP t1_iwz967g wrote

This hill is usually covered with political signs. Notice how all candidates, both winners and losers took their signs down......except for this carpet bagging grifter. Must be too busy helping Paul pack for Florida


Guygan t1_iwz99h5 wrote

Do people honestly think Bruce Poliquin or ANY rep can cure inflation? People are dumb as fuck.


sweatmotel t1_iwzb7fi wrote

poliquins signs are the only ones left up in my area


Bywater t1_iwzbqo8 wrote

One can only hope that he never returns.


BriefausdemGeist t1_iwzn3tu wrote

I still find it abominable that Hallowell is a chartered city and Kittery is not.


OustedStrongman t1_iwzoyju wrote

My analysis of any situation begins with "people are dumb as fuck" but then I realize that I am people and therefore also dumb as fuck. Then I try to remember what I was thinking about in the first place.


Asfastas33 t1_iwzrkyc wrote

Love how many dems have been in interviews and just said “ok, what’s their plan? Let’s here it, I’ll vote for it, just present it”. I think it was Buttigieg on a late show who said “list 5 pieces of proposed legislation to fix inflation, I’ll be the first to support it. No, list 3, list 1” and of course all they do is complain about issue but don’t promote solutions.


Techn0dad t1_ix03zie wrote

Pretty sure he never really left Florida.


TheMrGUnit t1_ix04qa6 wrote

This has been the Republican strategy for more than a decade, on a variety of issues. Obamacare was going to get repealed and replaced the moment they got into power, but when the dog actually caught that car, it turned out that they'd spent several years complaining loudly, and exactly zero years crafting legislation to replace it.


sjm294 t1_ix05crg wrote

I saw two lawn signs yesterday at one house, LePage and Poliquin. Nice to keep reminding people that they voted for losers.


nzdastardly t1_ix06tjc wrote

Bruce Poliquin is a disgusting animal who takes his shoes off on airplanes.


lobstah t1_ix07g8c wrote

I have a neighbor who has a 2016 Trump Pence bumper sticker, but their lawn sign has Pence covered up with duct tape !


Imnotapoolman t1_ix0cj4v wrote

No one is fixing anything because it would take money out of their pockets. Have to play the game which means citizens get it shoved up their asses per usual. I have zero faith in any politician.


Ok_Kick_1710 t1_ix1d00v wrote

I go to church sometimes with my girlfriend.The church opened up a new building in Hampden. This grifting assclown attended the grand opening,obviously pandering. He slapped me on the back, I felt violated.


Good_Cookie3258 t1_ix1k30a wrote

Drove by a big Mills sign in Brunswick today. I was surprised it was still up. Not near anything, just out in the open. I thought the campaigns had only so many days to remove signs.


MaryBitchards t1_ix1k85z wrote

Wonder who even bothered to post that in Hallowell. Damn, I love that town.


ApprehensiveDeer9530 t1_ix1neee wrote

I had to drive through Steep Falls recently and the entire main street was covered in those yard signs with Pence's name either duct-taped over our scribbled out with a sharpie. Like 8 houses in a row.


flexingindisguise t1_ix1x448 wrote

this would surprise me more if i didn't see the trump car guy in hallowell and augusta all the time 🙄 some people just can't let go


GoArmyNG t1_ix35zwy wrote

Litter bug. Hit the property owner (or Bruce himself) with a $200 fine for every political sign left up for more than a week after election day.

Edit: this applies to both sides. I hate political signs with a burning passion.