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Antnee83 t1_iv5p4yl wrote

Anywhere you can find one really

They talk a big game but it's seriously rare to actually get bit by one. They just kinda stiffen up and let the shit happen.


Aggressive-Slide-330 OP t1_iv5payy wrote

I know that part lol , i meant more like is there a sanctuary somewhere in maine where id be able to spend the day with possums that isnt a zoo


Antnee83 t1_iv5pfwv wrote

Maine Wildlife Park in Gray is probably the closest you're gonna get, but the odds of them letting you hold one is probably zero


LyraHermione t1_iv81v6x wrote

This is a really great place. It's only $10, it's really quiet most of the time, and you can see local rescued animals that can't live in the wild anymore. I don't remember them having a possum, but there is an albino raccoon.


tonyforeman t1_ivbndpk wrote

I always have the sounds of Jurassic Park on my phone and play them covertly if there little Kids around . I say “ I can’t wait to see the T Rex “ Poor kids


MapleFlavoredBumhole t1_iv68kd8 wrote

I mean.... if they're at a sanctuary the main goal is rehab and release. This means NOT getting them used to human touch and interaction. They're wild animals. Why do you need to pet one so bad?


IamSauerKraut t1_iv8qyhg wrote

Put the little grease try from under your grill out on the deck at night. Do this for 3 days in a row. On the 5th day, ye shall hold an opossum in your hands. Or, he shall hold your hand in his sharp little teeff.


ScenePlayful1872 t1_iv67jzl wrote

Keep a lookout for ones lying on the side of the road. They’re faking it


sintixerr t1_iv7cok5 wrote

I mean, even if they're not faking it, OP didn't specify that it has to be living?


IamSauerKraut t1_iv8r62d wrote

Pretty sure OP would prefer for the possum's guts to still be inside its body.


asscheeseterps710 t1_iv5rkys wrote

Leave some food outside near your grill and ask one


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_iv6b0a5 wrote

Nowhere. You might find a sanctuary that has opossums though... But I don't think they're petting zoos so...


Big-Soil4403 t1_iv5rmno wrote

Would you clarify? You want to hold a wild possum? 😜


Aggressive-Slide-330 OP t1_iv615hl wrote

😂 not a wild One i wanna hold a possum so was curious about shelters or sanctuaries in the area thatd offer me the opportunity


Big-Soil4403 t1_iv77p4d wrote

I saw a wild one at the dog park. Idk about tamed ones. Do you think you want to work in the animal shelter business? I bet you would get to snuggle so many fur babies.


Minute_Map_6444 t1_iv736gm wrote

Try volunteering at like Misfits Rehab or something similar? Not sure if they specifically take volunteer helpers but I’d imagine that’s a good place to start


ghT4uS68O0ogg3Y t1_iv6x2iw wrote

Try these guys. They are in York County. I think they brought a possum and other animals to my son's elementary school class. A snake, an owl, and maybe something else. I happened to be there that day. It was really cool. That was many years ago so I'm not sure what they are up to today

One thing that I learned about opossums that day is that they carry their newborns in a pouch for months. If you see a opossum that has been run over then it's possible to find babies on her even if she is not alive. The rescue place said they get a lot of those babies

Good luck!


Seppdizzle t1_iv9lluw wrote

I know a guy that can probably get you one.


Bywater t1_iv6dvyq wrote

My trashcans, use the welding gloves just in case...


Aggressive-Slide-330 OP t1_iv6xjxi wrote

I wish i got possums out by my place but they inhabit more of southern maine


Bywater t1_iv74whb wrote

They new to me too, only seen em in the last couple years.


Jory- t1_iv8phzr wrote

When I worked at BIW there were possums.

One died in a wall of the bathroom and nobody would believe the smell was a DEAD ANIMAL. The area manager or whatever came to check it out and, of course, someone had not flushed the toilet and left a giant steaming shit. He flushed it and said, well there's your problem right there, and walked out.

His face was much different as the fire department pulled a dead possum from the wall a week later.

(Despite my efforts, I was never able to catch a possum, and one guy found 3 baby ones in his hardhat)


Huckleberry-Powerful t1_iv9ybgp wrote

I saw one dead on the side of the road the other day. I'm sure it wouldn't mind being held


lola_cat t1_ivdml4g wrote

I caught a baby opossum in a have a heart trap when I was trying to catch two ground hogs that where destroying my garden this summer. Talk about an animal that smelled like shit. It liked rotten cantaloupe. Fyi


DualDs t1_iv7h01y wrote

I have held 2 possums. Both I saw while driving at night and apparently headlights make them frozen with fear. They might hiss and show teeth, but they won't run.