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Antnee83 t1_iv5p4yl wrote

Anywhere you can find one really

They talk a big game but it's seriously rare to actually get bit by one. They just kinda stiffen up and let the shit happen.


Big-Soil4403 t1_iv5rmno wrote

Would you clarify? You want to hold a wild possum? 😜


ScenePlayful1872 t1_iv67jzl wrote

Keep a lookout for ones lying on the side of the road. They’re faking it


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_iv6b0a5 wrote

Nowhere. You might find a sanctuary that has opossums though... But I don't think they're petting zoos so...


Bywater t1_iv6dvyq wrote

My trashcans, use the welding gloves just in case...


ghT4uS68O0ogg3Y t1_iv6x2iw wrote

Try these guys. They are in York County. I think they brought a possum and other animals to my son's elementary school class. A snake, an owl, and maybe something else. I happened to be there that day. It was really cool. That was many years ago so I'm not sure what they are up to today

One thing that I learned about opossums that day is that they carry their newborns in a pouch for months. If you see a opossum that has been run over then it's possible to find babies on her even if she is not alive. The rescue place said they get a lot of those babies

Good luck!


Minute_Map_6444 t1_iv736gm wrote

Try volunteering at like Misfits Rehab or something similar? Not sure if they specifically take volunteer helpers but I’d imagine that’s a good place to start


DualDs t1_iv7h01y wrote

I have held 2 possums. Both I saw while driving at night and apparently headlights make them frozen with fear. They might hiss and show teeth, but they won't run.


LyraHermione t1_iv81v6x wrote

This is a really great place. It's only $10, it's really quiet most of the time, and you can see local rescued animals that can't live in the wild anymore. I don't remember them having a possum, but there is an albino raccoon.


Jory- t1_iv8phzr wrote

When I worked at BIW there were possums.

One died in a wall of the bathroom and nobody would believe the smell was a DEAD ANIMAL. The area manager or whatever came to check it out and, of course, someone had not flushed the toilet and left a giant steaming shit. He flushed it and said, well there's your problem right there, and walked out.

His face was much different as the fire department pulled a dead possum from the wall a week later.

(Despite my efforts, I was never able to catch a possum, and one guy found 3 baby ones in his hardhat)


Seppdizzle t1_iv9lluw wrote

I know a guy that can probably get you one.


Huckleberry-Powerful t1_iv9ybgp wrote

I saw one dead on the side of the road the other day. I'm sure it wouldn't mind being held


lola_cat t1_ivdml4g wrote

I caught a baby opossum in a have a heart trap when I was trying to catch two ground hogs that where destroying my garden this summer. Talk about an animal that smelled like shit. It liked rotten cantaloupe. Fyi