Submitted by CaptainLoco25 t3_z5k3nk in Maine

It’s 35 degrees and I have 1000s of moths all over my house. At first I just thought they were attracted to the outdoor lights, but they’re all over the windows in rooms I have lights on. They’re also all over the outside of the house where no light is visible. Cumberland county.



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FragilousSpectunkery t1_ixwm7tf wrote


WikiSummarizerBot t1_ixwm97g wrote

Winter moth

>In North America, "winter moth" usually denotes the invasive species Operophtera brumata, but may also mean refer to a native species, Erannis tiliaria (linden looper) or Operophtera bruceata (bruce spanworm). The winter moth (Operophtera brumata) is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is an abundant species of Europe and the Near East and a famous study organism for evaluating insect population dynamics. It is one of very few lepidopterans of temperate regions in which adults are active in late fall and early winter.

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Walter_J_Bro t1_ixwkibf wrote

Same thing at my place also in Cumberland county I open the door to let the dog out and 5 moths fly in..


Bywater t1_ixwxzrr wrote

It's Mothman season, pretty soon they will all form into one entity and start chasing people around in the woods...


justadumbwelder1 t1_ixx0cmy wrote

Its moth season. You know, the week between 4th summer and 7th fall.


sy33d_am33r_ali t1_ixz2hyk wrote

Oh god I knew he was coming but hoped he wouldn’t this time. The moths…the moths…Every 77 years…

Run, OP. Run as far and as fast as you can. I only hope it’s not already too late for you.


MaryBitchards t1_ixwq8ez wrote

I always have moth problems. Once you've got 'em you're fucked. They're your new roommates.


Alternative_Sort_404 t1_ixxylss wrote

Those might be ‘pantry moths’… get rid of all your flour, grain, cereal, (birdseed is a common infestation problem)… and keep wiping the web areas with bleach for a few weeks


papatapapata t1_ixxctxe wrote

Cumberland too. Moths everywhere in the headlights.


BracedRhombus t1_ixynhhp wrote

An amusing quote from the article: 'Because the female is wingless, many think she is wingless". What kind of logic is that?


BracedRhombus t1_ixynvl8 wrote

I live in central Maine, far from the coast, and saw a moth flitting about yesterday, I wonder if it's one of the moths described above? I'll try to catch one of them next time I see it.


bubalusarnee t1_ixzgiyp wrote

Oh the winter moths have found you!


Lemonchicken207 t1_iy0w2v2 wrote

Winter moths! There's more of them than usual this year for sure!