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iammabdaddy t1_ix66grg wrote

Extreme early talent exposed here. Did you develop and nurture it?


lipsticknic3 t1_ix7t9p6 wrote

Was it red??

Been living full time in this state for 11 almost 12 years. I just.. those red dogs man.

waits for attack

I love Moxie though so I figure that's gotta count for sumthin lol


FrogThat t1_ix9vjl2 wrote

I been in Maine since I first drew breath but those red dogs…. Nope. My digestive system must be from away 😂


TraditionalPiccolo28 t1_ix6cea3 wrote

I've definitely enjoyed it too. Gave me a good chuckle. Thank you for sharing!


B0ndzai t1_ix6mvbf wrote

I bet it was a Wasse dog.


Soggy_Height_9138 t1_ix7x7c6 wrote

Expat from Rockland here, and I don't even like hot dogs, but if I'm in town for more than a couple of days, I gotta have a couple (or 3) Wasses dogs.


MathematicianGlum880 t1_ix9xiza wrote

lol. Born and raised here, I grew up on red hotdogs and love them. But they have to be Jordan’s.


classicgirl1990 t1_ix80cc2 wrote

Oh that’s a good one. I felt the same after encountering those hot pink dogs for the first time.


[deleted] t1_ix8hdfq wrote

Thought this was my kid for a sec


9wild9 t1_ix8n8ue wrote

I’d be concerned that this was a sexual incident that’s been suppressed for years.


Catg923 t1_ix96n04 wrote

100% was a Flo Dog


[deleted] t1_ixa2o10 wrote

Where did you find it?


k_mainer t1_ixag7ku wrote

Hilarious! Thank you!


ecco-domenica t1_ixfa4nn wrote

Can you remember what you were thinking when you wrote it? Were you trying to be funny? Did your parents read it? What did they say about it? Personally, I love it.


lollipoptart_ OP t1_ixfddxe wrote

I do not remember what I was trying to do. My best guess is that I was trying to make it funny, because hotdogs are known to contain questionable ingredients. And my parents didn't read it.


SwvellyBents t1_ix66tiy wrote

I get it completely. You didn't even have to say what color it was.

There are basically 2 types of dogs in Maine. Steamed dogs, which tend to be greyish in color and are mushy and flavorless. The highpoint of eating one is the roll, especially if it's stale or moldy. I ate one once from a cart in a hardware store parking lot in Bath. I'm now cured of ever eating another.

Red snappers are usually cooked on the rolling grills that spin them endlessly in their own grease. The skins are so tough they snap like a pigs ear when you bite into it. Chewing them is good mandibular exercise.

I saw some rolling in a little glass box in the office of a gas station in Phippsburg recently and fled after paying my bill. The smell permeated my clothes in the 2 minutes I was there. Carbon dating them before eating might be a good idear.
