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gargle_ground_glass t1_ivel58d wrote

And how dark is it in the morning?


appleshit8 t1_ivervrd wrote

I think everyone understands that the darkness happens at some point, just most people would prefer it dark in the morning instead of early evening


mistercartmenes t1_ivf9rw6 wrote

Also for most working people it’s dark when they get up anyway. I myself would much rather it be darker in the mornings so I can sleep a little later on the weekends.


gargle_ground_glass t1_ivezqu0 wrote

We tried it in the '70s. People grew to hate it. And disturbing the circadian rhythm can have health consequences:

>Experts at the Sleep Research Society say daylight-saving time can delay our bodies' natural melatonin production, making it harder to get to sleep. The stress hormone cortisol is also dysregulated by the shift, which can change metabolism and influence inflammation.

But hey, if we get to shop later I guess it's all for the best.


sheeponabowl t1_ivf42k9 wrote

We should try it again. It’s been 50 years. Totally different generation and I feel it would fit a lot more now. I don’t give a damn about “shopping later,” so that’s weird of you to say. I’m sick of it being dark at 430pm. It’s ridiculous. There’s no need for DST. Period.


gargle_ground_glass t1_ivf885y wrote

>I don’t give a damn about “shopping later,” so that’s weird of you to say.

It's one of the most common rationales they give for DST.

>It’s ridiculous.

But it's okay to have dark winter mornings?

>There’s no need for DST

Well then it will be darker an hour earlier in the summer as well!


emmaraehey t1_ivfa1sh wrote

Yeah it really doesn’t need to be light out until 9pm either


ecco-domenica t1_ivgr1w7 wrote

I disagree that most people would prefer it dark in the morning.


chromestratus t1_ivgbbpr wrote

Until Sunday the sun wasn’t rising until 8:15ish here. I’m in west MI so it’s the complete opposite of the time zone.