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JStanton617 t1_ivdeqmt wrote

Bottom line is, there just isn’t enough daylight to go around 4 months a year. However its allocated will still suck in some way.

Maine moving without the rest of the east coast, particularly NY, just makes TV and travel scheduling a bear, and it’ll still be dark and cold.

The other 8 months kick ass here. Just gotta tough out the winter.


intent107135048 t1_ivdqq4t wrote

Who watches live TV anymore? /s

Newfoundland is half an hour ahead of Atlantic time and the maritimes are an hour ahead of Eastern time, but planes aren’t falling out of the sky. People adapt. I do it all the time when I travel. Some states are even split up into multiple time zones or have different daylight savings time dates.

I’d prefer more daylight later in the day.


ZeekLTK t1_ivdyprh wrote

I used to live in Michigan. One of the best things about it was being on the western edge of the Eastern timezone, it would be light out until about 9:30 at night in the summer and stay light until at least 5:00 in the winter (even with switching the clocks back).

I’ve always thought Maine should do the same, being on the western edge of Atlantic time would be so much better. You guys would love it if you tried it.


FatRedDragons t1_ivebphw wrote

I like it. I always pretty much stay on the same schedule so being up and at work an "hour early"in the winter is perfect for my job 🤷‍♂️


markydsade t1_ivej392 wrote

Living on the edge of a time zone creates complexities for those who go back and forth over the line. For those not commuting south or west it’s not much of an issue. Maine is both very far east in ET and pretty far north. Portland gets 9 hours of daylight in December and 15.5 hours in June (not counting twilight). December sunrise would be after 8 am which creates its own set of problems. The article points out how going to AT is great for some and not for others.


CantThinkOfAName000 t1_ivele77 wrote

As much as I'm going to hate the sun setting early this afternoon, having it come up only a little bit after I woke up today was a nice change. You're definitely right that there's no magic clock setting to fix the problem, all we can do is shift it around.


undertow521 t1_ivenkpp wrote

Yeah, sporting events like baseball/hockey that typically start at 7pm would start at 8pm in that instance, not to mention prime time NFL games starting at 9pm. Not a huge deal in the big scheme of things but a pain in the ass for us sports fans that would make following teams a bit more difficult.

Edit: Yeah, I don't get the down votes for this comment. Is it not literally an issue sports fans in Maine would have to deal with? Why would someone downvoted that?


Dbgb4 t1_iverk88 wrote

My guess is within 15 years New England will be on Atlantic Time


SobeysBags t1_iveupjx wrote

Better yet, newfoundland time, just to mix things up a bit.


ptmtp26 t1_ivevoj5 wrote

New England should go Atlantic time


ButtBlock t1_ivexxl1 wrote

When I lived in SWH, in the summer the sun was literally way up. Blinding sunlight at 4:50 am. People showed up to work at 7 and were gone at 3. People were basically following ADT, whatever the clocks said.


gargle_ground_glass t1_ivezqu0 wrote


sheeponabowl t1_ivf42k9 wrote

We should try it again. It’s been 50 years. Totally different generation and I feel it would fit a lot more now. I don’t give a damn about “shopping later,” so that’s weird of you to say. I’m sick of it being dark at 430pm. It’s ridiculous. There’s no need for DST. Period.


undertow521 t1_ivf522i wrote

Is it not an issue sports fans in Maine would have to deal with in this scenario? You might not care but there are people who do.

I was merely commenting that it woukd be an aspect of this type of change that I wouldn't enjoy.


meowmix778 t1_ivf5xzf wrote

Let's just end daylight savings tho. We don't need to do all this complicated shit.


gargle_ground_glass t1_ivf885y wrote

>I don’t give a damn about “shopping later,” so that’s weird of you to say.

It's one of the most common rationales they give for DST.

>It’s ridiculous.

But it's okay to have dark winter mornings?

>There’s no need for DST

Well then it will be darker an hour earlier in the summer as well!


alpacalunch215 t1_ivfd0wf wrote

Nope, nope, fuck no. Just keep this time all year round. Much prefer daylight in the morning than in the afternoon. Who the fuck really needs light at 9PM in the summer?


draggar t1_ivfjzqi wrote

IIRC there has been a lot of talk about this, going to Atlantic Time permanently. I think the main reason NH hasn't done it yet is because ME hasn't yet.

If ME and NH do it, it wouldn't surprise me if VT wasn't far behind.

MA, RI, CT would be next.


toungefucker12 t1_ivfkoon wrote

Daylight savings time is completely pointless


1smallcraftadvisory t1_ivfpinu wrote

Just to clarify, we just LEFT daylight savings time. Now we are on standard time. Simply eliminating daylight savings doesn’t help with the early darkness.


BigNutzBlue t1_ivfqjq2 wrote

Aren’t we done going back and forth? According to the Sunshine Protection Act we change the clocks forward one more time and then that’s it. Maine is permanently on DST


Vexans t1_ivfwvr6 wrote

As a lifelong resident of the Northeast, I don’t understand what all the big deal is about this. This is how it’s been for a while and I don’t see the problem with it. Why are they complaining now?


JobiWanKenobi1701 t1_ivgg9d9 wrote

Western Mainer here who works across the border in New Hamster.

So i'd have to leave at 9:30 in order to get to work at 8:30? I dunno'... Makes my head hurt!


truththeavengerfish t1_ivh86rd wrote

If it means Monday Night Football would be on at 8pm in New Brunswick then by all means yes, go for it Mainers!


-Nequasset- t1_ivhmko7 wrote

Staying on this time all year would mean sunrise at 4:00am or earlier across most of the state in the summer. Obviously it’s personal preference, but I’d prefer light at 9:00pm over 4:00am.


theshoegazer t1_ivi6w14 wrote

Same here. With year-round standard time, the sun would set before 7pm except for a short window in June and July. Post-8pm sunsets are one of the nicest parts of summer in New England.


undertow521 t1_ivjcv96 wrote

Yes. They would. Which would suck for fans and kids who like to catch the games as well as sports bars where people go to watch said games. Games that now start at 7 already end around 10pm, while NFL games go to 11pm. Shifting those back an hour would suck!

As I said, it's not a critical, society crumbling issue, but it certainly would make it difficult for folks that have to get up to go to work to follow their teams. That's all I'm pointing out.