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RitaPoole56 t1_iwvlrlv wrote

It’s weird that Maine is the only state who’s “flower” is NOT a flower. (It’s a gymnosperm for you science geeks)


Munrowo t1_iww3lph wrote

is the pinecone(?) like the coniferous version of a flower?


Dudezmcgee t1_iwwvwno wrote

More like a seed, gymnosperm skip the whole flower part and let the wind do all the work instead of relying on pollinators.


marrymejojo t1_iwxltx5 wrote

But they must still have a "flower" like structure for the pollin to land on. Even if it's like not an obvious thing.

It has me thinking, if we did have a state flower what would it be?

My vote is stinking Benjamin.


Dudezmcgee t1_iwxubqy wrote

It has a zygote, or egg under the scales, yes. But it doesn't have an ovary like flowers do, which is what defines them. It also does not contain a stamen, or sperm producing organ like a flower. Instead, gymnosperm alternate between pollinating and being pollinated (to avoid self-pollination).

And I think the stinking benjamin would be a wonderful idea for a state plant! Though I admit I had to look that up cause I'd only heard them called "waking robins" before lol


el_gran_gato_montes t1_iwyy7fi wrote

I think it’s technically the pine cone AND tassel. Don’t think that makes it better though.


MonsterByDay t1_iwvnzs7 wrote

Moxie would have made us look better.


Also, making Georgia "pepsi" is a bold move.


Attackcamel8432 t1_iwv9i7l wrote

I love how Alaska and Hawaii are still next to eachother in the wrong spot. Makes the map seem realistic!


AdmiralWackbar OP t1_iwv9sqb wrote

Hawaii is always in the wrong spot, an accurate map would have it so far away you would be able to see any of the images


Guygan t1_iwuyxed wrote

Someone did some deep research


Starboard_Pete t1_iwvzrob wrote

Made an Allen’s brandy-soaked sponge cake recently. While Allen’s is👌 in its natural form, it can enhance other awesome things


theeibok1 t1_iwvwjp9 wrote

Lone pine Allen’s coffee brandy breakfast stout now available!


AdmiralWackbar OP t1_iwvywco wrote

Oh shit! I’ll have to keep my eyes out when I’m back home for Christmas


[deleted] t1_iwveolk wrote



AdmiralWackbar OP t1_iwvfefw wrote

It’s a picture of popular or originating drinks for each state, not highest grossing alcohol per state. Fireball would be like half the map lol. Personally i was thinking they would do Moxie for us, but Allen’s fits the bill


Lieutenant_Joe t1_iwvu7hx wrote

I think even less people know what moxie is than they do Allen’s. Most people who live outside Maine and don’t frequent their local Cracker Barrel don’t know what moxie is.


TheRogIsHere t1_iwwdsnz wrote

I saw a stat a few years ago that Maine consumers more Allen's than Jack Daniel’s, Jim Beam and Evan Williams- COMBINED! And no other liquor, not gin or vodka, comes close.

And I have never been anywhere else in the country that has shelves stocked with coffee brandy like they do in Maine. Most people don't even know what it is.


Ol-JP-817 t1_iwyqv8r wrote

>And I have never been anywhere else in the country that has shelves stocked with coffee brandy like they do in Maine.

You literally cannot get it out side of NewEngland. Allens is crazy hyper local. People in other parts of the country have no idea what it is.


glitteryunicornlady t1_iwwl5q5 wrote

🤦 maybe, but fireball is just known as the, "I'm getting messed up" drink. Coffee Brandy is like the every day, have one or two drink.


TheRogIsHere t1_iwwd74t wrote

I have never understood the fascination with coffee brandy. I don't know how it started or how it grew, but with so many other options out there, Maine attached itself to this swill from Massachusetts.


glitteryunicornlady t1_iwwkntm wrote

Can you recommend a decent coffee brandy? I use Allen's because it's the only one at the store usually. I'm definitely not a diehard fan lol


TheRogIsHere t1_iwwpvzv wrote

Coffee brandy is like herpes- there is no good version, just ones that are not as awful as others.


HeyNiceSweater t1_iwvxhxs wrote

Great Lakes Dortmunder for Ohio is on point.


RitaPoole56 t1_iwwgo0p wrote

Yes, there are male and female cones. That yellow pollen that covers everything will turn into sperm


glitteryunicornlady t1_iwwkyd6 wrote

This map is wonky, but it's not bad! No hating here! I thought Bar Hill was from NH, and Narragansett was from MA or CT. The placement is throwing me off.


glitteryunicornlady t1_iwwlkep wrote

Can someone explain why people only buy Allen's Coffee Brandy on Sundays? Liquor store worker asking.


TheRogIsHere t1_iwwq46z wrote

Barr Hill is the choice for Vermont huh...


Pokedude1110 t1_iwzdd49 wrote

Why didn't they choose Moxie? Mainers worship the can like it's a dark god that will burn down their villages if they don't do a yearly festival for it


OblongAndKneeless t1_iwzm3ja wrote

Very cool. I was expecting to see Mountain Dew in an Appalachian state.