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Weekly_Inside_5720 t1_ix6tg8t wrote

I grew up in Missouri and have lived in Maine for over a decade. I’ll never get over this.

Always find out who owns the land and get permission. If not don’t trespass.


Kai_Emery t1_ix6y5pe wrote

Too many people feel entitled to other peoples land, the atv situation in casco is a mess because of it. (That may be a less than local Issue though given out of state users)


sy33d_am33r_ali t1_ix7r8qf wrote

It’s not trespassing if it’s not posted. Just because Missouri has draconian trespassing laws doesn’t mean we need to project that culture on Maine.


Odd-Mountain3076 t1_ix7vboi wrote

Exactly, One of the things I love about Maine. I don't hunt, not that Im against it, just don't feel like butchering my kill as I have a weak stomach for such things. Though being able to wander the woods without worry is nice.


robbins290 t1_ix8mbu1 wrote

You can drop it off at a butcher. Thats what i do. Cones back in marked, vacuumed sealed packages. No mess or left overs. Its the way to go


icecoldjuggalo t1_ix7ame4 wrote

I don’t follow — was Missouri different trespass-wise, and if so in which way? Laws are different?


shlamtaster t1_ix7k7ot wrote

In both NH and Maine you are able to use other people's land for recreational purposes including hunting unless posted not to trespass. In Tennessee (and I'm guessing Missouri as well) there's a good chance you'd be shot and it would be legal because you were trespassing. Hard to wrap your mind around wandering into other people's land coming from that.


Weekly_Inside_5720 t1_ix7oj88 wrote

Exactly. It just seems disrespectful to walk on to someone else’s land and use their resources without their permission.


ppitm t1_ix8726s wrote

> I grew up in Missouri and have lived in Maine for over a decade. I’ll never get over this.

Welcome to a free state.


Weekly_Inside_5720 t1_ix93rxh wrote

Lol ok. I like Maine a lot more but respecting landowners and asking for permission to use their land makes a lot more sense. Plus you can’t even hunt on Sunday so I guess each state has their own benefit.