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z-eldapin t1_ix4i31v wrote

What skill set do you have?


NoHairz OP t1_ix4ijy4 wrote

Depends on the job


Prestigious_Clue145 t1_ix4l01v wrote

Based on your responses to people's comments in this thread I would not hire you for any job


NoHairz OP t1_ix4m8j5 wrote

Yeah idc tbh. I'm just looking for information not a job. If you don't understand the difference no one should be working for you


OurWhoresAreClean t1_ix4xcwd wrote

>I'm just looking for information not a job.

Ok, fair enough. Here are some options for you:

  1. Writing. I hear Stephen King makes millions of dollars a year, maybe try that?
  2. Lawyer. Partners at some of the bigger firms in Portland pull down some serious cash. Drop off your resume at a couple, probably can't hurt. Is it safe for me to assume you've passed the bar already?
  3. Be Governor. The salary for being Governor in Maine is $70,000, which works out to more than $30/hr. Not too shabby!
  4. Hedge fund manager. These guys make the big bucks. I highly suggest you look into starting your own fund; it's like a license to print money! You'll need to find some wealthy investors, but for someone with your obvious skills that shouldn't be a problem.
  5. Marry rich. Ok, so this isn't technically a job, but a lot of people are doing very well these days after conning someone with deep pockets into marrying them. Start reading the obits and look for affluent widows would be my advice.

Hope this helps!


DidDunMegasploded t1_ix4sc7c wrote

Information for what? You a manager looking to set a wage? Because if you are then I can tell you're a pretty assaholic one just based on responses here.

If you're looking for information, modify the body of your post and stop being misleading.


NoHairz OP t1_ix4w36b wrote

Nothing misleading. It just ask for a job that pays 25$. If you take it any other way that's you being stupid and overthinking it


DidDunMegasploded t1_ix55vkh wrote

You just explicitly said that you're looking for information, not a job. If you're looking for information about jobs that pay $25, spit it out and be specific.

Either way you slice it, though, you're just being an asshole, and being an asshole won't give you the answers you seek nor will it net you a job with any wage. Thought logic.


z-eldapin t1_ix4k76h wrote

Ok, let's try again.

In what areas do you have experience?