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Bywater t1_iyay0l8 wrote

I hope they wildcat.

Our labor protections were never much more than lip service, the bare minimum required to keep the labor movement from then 1920's from burning the whole show right to the ground. They don't teach it in schools for the obvious reasons of not wanting people to know how powerful collective bargaining and industrial action can be, but it was a bloody violent conflict that had the state backing the wealthy elites at every opportunity. Every single strike was called a "riot" in the press and met with violence from both police, private mercenaries and in some cases the military itself. The thing is with the rampant abuse of wealth in our government, citizens united, politicians clearly violating their ethics by taking money, sweet gigs when they are done, insider trading... You all know what I talking about that at this point the only thing that will save us from some kind of dystopian capitalistic corporatocracy is going to be a real rebirth of the labor movement. We are ripe for it, way to many people are working full time and still can not survive, these rail workers were treated fucking horribly, when you cant make it anyway and your life sucks even when you are pissing away your ticks on the old clock making some rich prick richer, might as well strike.