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snackexchanger t1_iy4heg9 wrote

Also, and this is mentioned in the DOT ruling, I actually don’t read those signs any more because they are almost always useless. And when people stop reading the useless signs they also miss when the sign actually says something useful (which is very rare but presumably that is the reason for the sign)


IamSauerKraut t1_iy4luxr wrote

The art of levity is lost on some. oh well.


snackexchanger t1_iy4s40u wrote

When I drive between Portland and Bangor and see that same 2 saying multiple times in each direction it gets real old real quick. Multiply that by doing that drive multiple times per month and they very quickly become uninteresting


Notmystationbro t1_iy4iby7 wrote

Well at night it’s almost impossible not to notice these signs. I think it’s human nature just to see what they say


IamSauerKraut t1_iy4lx1o wrote

Better the sign alongside of me than a moose in front of me.


FragilousSpectunkery t1_iy5gr43 wrote

The only possible culprit in the ruling would be the 3rd, reading “Convey a clear, simple meaning. Clear and simple messages are easy to read and comprehend with only short glances away from the roadway, resulting in minimal visual and cognitive distraction from the driving task. The use of witticisms, colloquialisms, and popular culture references that target or are comprehended only by a limited segment of the population is not consistent with a clear, simple meaning for all. Instead, these messages rely on hidden meanings or targeted cultural knowledge to understand the message. Similarly, the use of newly coined terms (neologisms), words combining the meanings of two words or blending of sounds (portmanteaus), metadata tags ("hashtags"), electronic shorthand ("Internet slang"), and other forms that do not use conventional syntax do not convey a clear, simple meaning to many road users.”

If anything, the witty sayings on the Maine CMS system fulfills all of those requirements. Quick read, no slang, easy to understand and translate into roadway directions. They are also, besides in your case, something that is eagerly anticipated by drivers and passengers, rather than ignored. An example of an ignored sign is “Yield” or “65 mph”. You should stop ignoring the changeable signs. They are there for a reason, and your judgment of their efficacy is not a condemnation of them, but rather, of you.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iy57y2p wrote

Go back to shaking your cane, boomer. You can't tell me you haven't laughed at least one of the signs just because it tells a funny joke hidden inside of a safety message.

Would you rather have "gobble gobble, easy on the throttle", or "speeding is against the law, don't do it"?