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SyntheticCorners28 t1_ivvwl7e wrote

Whatever happened to the two batshit crazy ladies who were magats? The blond who had her neighbors trees all cut down and the brunette who led all the rallys during COVID?

Sorry to describe them as such. Not trying to be sexist I just can't think of any defining features except they are crazy and their hair color.


SyntheticCorners28 t1_ivvwy7x wrote

Laurel Libby and Heidi Sampson are the two.

Edit: apparently they both won? FML


NoSound5607 t1_ivw438m wrote

Libby was running unopposed. Or at least there wasn’t anyone else on the ballot. I was definitely disappointed.


SyntheticCorners28 t1_ivw7mu1 wrote

That seems like a bad idea. Thank you for at least enlightening me as to the why!


joeydokes OP t1_ivysns9 wrote

> Laurel Libby and Heidi Sampson are the two. > Edit: apparently they both won? FML

Looking at the URL in my OP and seeing just how red many of our Districts are (like 2-to-1) I suppose I shouldn't be surprised if MAGA got a toehold. But Auburn ? and yea - unopposed

Thanks for the input!

Thanks for the info!


NoSound5607 t1_ivyt3i3 wrote

It’s a real shame, because this would have been a great year to knock her out. Libby’s only got the one term under her belt and had plenty of crazy to use against her. Real missed opportunity.


IamSauerKraut t1_ivw2cny wrote

Heidi went for the butch cut...


joeydokes OP t1_ivyt3ui wrote

Alfred, Lyman, Waterboro

At least the margin was only 10% and not a blowout. Will check out Joseph Wagner (D) and their positions to see if its just voting party line more than MAGA 'mandate'

Peace Out!


joeydokes OP t1_ivwjgy4 wrote

I guess names would be a good place to start :)

Your posting this might test if their reputation precedes them! Maines' own "Batshit Crazy" Ladies, indeed.