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tobascodagama t1_iye9vpj wrote

Re-instituting mandatory masking would reduce the incidence of all three viruses that are contributing to this surge, but nobody in power is even floating the idea. An absolutely disgraceful dereliction of duty.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iyee74d wrote

Do you really think people would be okay with mandatory masking if it were implemented again?

You tell someone they need to do something they don't want to do, they'll be oppositional but probably still do it. You tell someone they need to do the same thing again, they're gonna get even more upset and even more oppositional. Big guys upstairs don't want to risk that, especially fresh out of midterms.


tobascodagama t1_iyehwg5 wrote

Remember when the argument for dropping the mandates was "if we give people a break, they'll be more inclined to comply if we need to do them again later"?

Our leaders should not be in the business of trying to psychoanalyse the population like this. They should be noticing a problem and implementing the solution that we already know would work.


tyler92203 t1_iyemg92 wrote

If you think that would work you’re delusional. Implementing mandatory masking would have 33% compliance at best, and if you think that makes a positive difference you just haven’t talked to anyone in the state.


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iyehthf wrote

That is a dual edged sword. We need people, especially kids, to develop immunity. That means exposure and with that, hopefully limited illness. Most masks I see out in the world aren't very protective, so consistently wearing one (Mandatory Masking) in crowd events like concerts, classroom, retail, in or by food service, especially farmers markets, where there are activity aerosols, makes sense. For decades, children were brought to other ill children, for immunity boosting. Flu was reduced during Covid masking. Masks come off, people crowd up, limited immunity, boom, you're down. It's a process.
