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Lemonchicken207 t1_iw07830 wrote

I had the same thought when I saw those too...looks like the Brighton Avenue Cumbys lol.


MeepleMaster t1_iw07uy2 wrote

Getting heartburn just looking at it


muchomojotx t1_iw08q7i wrote

What? No Allen's Coffee Brandy filled candy canes?


cr4brangoon t1_iw08ui2 wrote

I buy one for my husband every year and he loves it.


riefpirate t1_iw09a3t wrote

I would if they had Jim Beam.


TheDiceMan2 t1_iw0c77c wrote

judging by the road shoulders….everyone


stillcoolrr t1_iw0dovz wrote

That looks big enough to use as an actual cane😅


blzac33 t1_iw0f5ox wrote

Buy a chocolate or candy filled cane, empty out the chocolate and buy a dozen Beam nips to refill. He will appreciate it.

Signed, Not your husband but maybe your husband.


Skippyandjif t1_iw0gww6 wrote

I thought they were full of caramels for a second and then I zoomed in and was disappointed 😂


Septicrogue t1_iw0h78p wrote

Maybe if it was Allen's I would


TheCoub t1_iw0im5b wrote

Its actually for people like me, who want to drink fireball while also creating the most plastic waste possible. I usually buy the buckets of nips, but around the holidays, I get these, a lot more plastic for me to litter!


contra-bonos-mores t1_iw0ipfm wrote

I found a discounted Fireball Halloween bag recently. They’re festive


Patsaholic t1_iw0iy65 wrote

If they’re the fake cinnamon fireball sure, for the uncle that gets blitz and everyone drinks the real fireball whisky.


tesaril t1_iw0mlpi wrote

I think we bought a few when the kids were little. 20 years ago.


Snoo_4108 t1_iw0no51 wrote

No one yet. Those are all full cases


Kickitup97 t1_iw0oy59 wrote

We get them as gifts for friends and family out of state.


[deleted] t1_iw163r2 wrote

Shouldn't that be behind a counter or something? Seems a bit irresponsible to have them out where people can easily just grab and go.


OmniMegaGiraffe t1_iw17wuv wrote

Are those the real ones or are they the Malt Liquor versions? That's the question


New_Sun6390 t1_iw1bdf3 wrote

The candy cane is cute, but I like the bucket better. It is reusable and very handy!


Atomicslap t1_iw26e49 wrote

This crap is why plastic a problem.


TheDiceMan2 t1_iw2e9x3 wrote

while that may be true for your neighbor specifically, it is also the general rule. natural ice cans and fireball nips are the two pieces of litter that i consistently see on the side of the road while i'm biking. the (not so) funny thing? i live in south portland and i do most of my biking in cape elizabeth. so, we're not just talking about out in the mountains or the county. it's a statewide plague


baxterstate t1_iw2fmyu wrote

Proof positive that poverty in Maine is overreported.

If this is how you buy liquor, you have money to burn.


sheeponabowl t1_iw2ha4i wrote

I’ve bought these as gifts for people. I don’t hate Fireball, but it’s absolutely NOT my go to. That shit is way too sweet to drink much of. I prefer ya know, regular whiskey. Like woodford…or Jameson.


baxterstate t1_iw2j88a wrote

I drink but I've never bought a nip. The only purpose is to drink while driving and then toss the evidence.


Trajoman t1_iw2p2u6 wrote

Thank you for the reminder. Its that time of year everyone!!!


daisakai42 t1_iw2smc1 wrote

The amount of people who don’t even realize these are the “malt beverage” ones with a lower alcohol content cracks me up. They think they’re buying straight fireball at places without a hard liquor license.


londonphase t1_iw2xk00 wrote

I work at a certain grocery store who's name rhymes with Jaws. I sell roughly 5 of these in an 8 hour shift.


RealMainer t1_iw35e90 wrote

Looks like this is at a Cumberland farms, which doesn't have a license to sell hard liquor, so they are the weak ass fake fireballs for sure. Those would go straight into the trash if I were gifted any.


Bywater t1_iw38s7w wrote

They make great gifts for the kids!


acister t1_iw3cyke wrote

IIRC Fireball is the top liquor in Maine now beating Allen's Coffee Brandy


Substantial-Spare501 t1_iw3pq3h wrote

My “sober” stbxh. But probably only when the buckets aren’t available


meowmix778 t1_iw4g4xi wrote

I got one when I was like 22 from a yankee swap.


Hefty_Musician2402 t1_iwb4uhq wrote

I have bought them for Yankee Swap games at Christmas parties!


AyArian t1_iwgjnb9 wrote

Hahahaha as someone who worked in damrascotta around Christmas.. funkin everyone lmao


baxterstate t1_ixgtpsd wrote

News flash: Poor people aren’t the only ones hurting by inflation. The cost of liquor is far far higher if you buy it in nips. It’s like buying one M&M candy at a time instead of in a bag.

You don’t buy nips to take home and enjoy a quiet drink.

So buying a nip is economical stupid, and dangerous because you’re buying it to drink and drive and toss the evidence out the window.


MDIwoman t1_iy1jz9q wrote

Men with no imagination