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Yourbubblestink t1_ixwb0az wrote

Wearing a mask currently means that you have Covid and feel like it’s ok to shop as long as you are masked. It’s code for: “stay far away from me”.

Maskless coughing is code for: I’m in denial and don’t want to test or wear a mask.


acister t1_ixwc439 wrote

What about just wearing a mask to prevent getting and spreading disease in general..


UrHumbleNarr8or t1_ixwdoir wrote

Almost no one is doing that anymore :/


WinterCrunch t1_ixxv2ke wrote

I am. I haven't stepped into a public place ONCE without a mask since March 2020. Why? I have family that's immunocompromised, and now they're basically prisoners of their home because the general public won't mask. They can't go anywhere, and worse, they can't vaccinate due to the same health issues.

It's no way to live. It sucks that healthy people just don't care.


UrHumbleNarr8or t1_ixyzer5 wrote

I hear you, both me and my spouse have autoimmune diseases and my mom who lives with us was dx'd with cancer last year and has been getting treatment for most of this year. Masks for us. But yeah, it feels like the general population gave up entirely.


joeydokes OP t1_ixwfp3d wrote

Yup. Maskless is now the testimony to "I'm tougher than germs", and, sadly, many/most may be right; though w/out consideration to those who may not be.

I'm stenciling "MAGA" on my mask to keep everyone TF away :)


Yourbubblestink t1_ixwmtdb wrote


joeydokes OP t1_ixwsb0w wrote

I would stencil MAGA on my N95 mask in my own blood before paying a single cent for a maga mask :) Nor would I trust it to keep the boogers away.


Davit4444 t1_ixwvpgt wrote

Based on the evidence I'd say your jargon packed ramblings aren't endearing you to anyone. You're angry about politicization while accusing those who don't wear a mask of being "MAGA". Make your own decisions and quit applying your petty resentments to "Americans".


joeydokes OP t1_ixwyxxf wrote

> jargon packed ramblings

yea, whatever ...

I'm not angry about politics, I'm pissed off with inaccurate labeling and agit-prop.

And yea, my comment about the MAGA mask was over the top and I'm not in any way suggesting that non-maskers are hard right conservatives; just a small subset.

But trying and assert that there is no correlation between maskless people (indoors) and that subset of r/HermanCainAward contestants will leave you 0 legs to stand on.

My 'petty resentments' to you are, to me, what's been dragging the country down; for decades. But hey, you're entitled to your opinion as to what qualifies as "Americans", even for a 2yr old account with barely any karma.


joeydokes OP t1_ixx06ta wrote

Hey, Davit, my apologies for the last reply. Just caught me in a foulish mood. I know a lot of people who are conservative and are good, decent folk; we can politely disagree and still get along enough to play cribbage or shoot at the range.

Didn't mean to make it personal. I hope you stay healthy