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[deleted] t1_ixwj03r wrote


acister t1_ixwjmrf wrote

By the entire world, you mean the west. Also not true, lots of my friends in the EU mask and I see them at art events and shows on social media full of a room of masked folk. Germany and other countries are reconsidering mask mandates.


[deleted] t1_ixwk6kl wrote



acister t1_ixwlhl4 wrote

It varies extremely from country to country even in the west. Also lots of countries in Asia wear masks before covid and especially now to prevent the spread of disease. You're generalizing billions of people (20% of which of the world's population live in China).


[deleted] t1_ixwn1o3 wrote



acister t1_ixwo6hc wrote

Right, Asia is a small chunk of the world with over half the population of Earth. I guess it's insane to consider what they're doing over there here because this is the USA! I guess Germany requiring them in stores and public transit,, Cyprus requiring masks, France requiring them in some places, Australia considering it, Italy as well, etc is irrelevant as well. As winter progresses, I guarantee we'll see mask mandates, maybe some in municipalities here but of course nothing federal. It is an issue here as it is in other places but you're being really US centric..


[deleted] t1_ixwsk8o wrote



acister t1_ixwt64f wrote

I live in the US and am replying in a thread about said topic in a country where discourse about wearing masks is way more fried and stupid than other areas of the world. It's simply not politicized nearly as much as it is here. If this was a thread about healthcare, I would be talking about healthcare. You have presented "two facts" - the world is over it, look at a soccer game. I responded with western countries with mask mandates in effect right now and reminding you that the east exists and has objectively responded to covid better than us because they don't have conversations like this.


[deleted] t1_ixwtwvi wrote



acister t1_ixwv2wm wrote

Why are you disregarding half the world's population because they're not in the west? Also I named several western countries with mask mandates active now, some of which I mentioned will require stricter ones in the future (i.e. Germany, Italy, France). After a quick google search, I saw Germany (and other EU countries require masks in some public places right now and are thinking about imposing a stricter mandate as winter cases go up). Which is why I saw everyone wearing masks in social media at events in Germany, Denmark, etc. What the fuck is your point? I'm not even saying it's just a US issue but I live in the US so I'm talking about it in the sub of my state in the US. What point are you arguing? Give up because some other countries suck at it too (even though most of the world things we're a dumpster fire right now)? You literally have rebutted with no facts other than it's not just the US, look at soccer game, world over it. I'm glad you feel comfortable speaking for the population of the world.