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captainMcSmitface t1_j0r8a0t wrote

Reply to comment by hike_me in Toll Fees by Areeves50

Sadly it fucks the commuters too 😥


hike_me t1_j0ray5n wrote

EZ Pass does get you a discount over cash plus Maine EZ pass does have a volume discount program, but it takes a lot of trips (like 30 one way trips for a 20% discount and 40+ trips to get a 40% discount)


captainMcSmitface t1_j0rdj0f wrote

Heres a little history on the discount:

Way back in 2012 you could pay qaurterly for unlimited use of the turnpike. It cost 130 a qtr or about 520 bucks for the year. Not really a bad deal for a commuter or someone who travels a lot for work.

PETER MILLS thought it was too good of deal, so they got rid of it and gave the commuters a discount of 50 percent. It was a really good deal as per the MTA, and by really good, I mean it was a big fuck you to commmuters. They structured it so you had to have like 60 trips which meant most commuters wouldn't actually qualify. This was done intentionally because Peter Mills is an asshole.

Well that was too good of a deal for the commuters, because who gives a flying fuck about people who work for a living, certainly not the MTA or Peter Mills. So it has now been reduced to a 40 percent discount. If you want a printed statement you gotta pay for that too.

This is old info, but last i knew the MTA took in well north of 100 million in revenue to manage 108 miles of road. Its just so cost prohibitive to manage, they just can't seem to pay those pesky bonds off.


jarnhestur t1_j0ucsda wrote

This still makes me angry. And then it comes out that the people running the Turnpike were skimming off the top.