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thatsthatdude2u t1_j18rhoj wrote

And how exactly is that sustainable or good for the environment in any way? Maybe consider a split system ductless get rid of the wood stove and stop polluting with that nasty wood smoke.


ManWhoFartsInChurch t1_j18vwra wrote

Wood in Maine is very sustainable.


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1auko1 wrote

You're confusing plentiful with sustainable but most people do. Most people think of sustainability as something that will sustain them for the time they are on the planet. Take it for what you will but that's why we're in the shit we're in. We all bear some responsibility for our lack of foresight in our daily activities I think wood burning however is ridiculous obviously bad for the environment.


ManWhoFartsInChurch t1_j1axdut wrote

Can you be any more condescending? Yes everyone is an idiot except you.


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1dduaf wrote

Correct. Wood Burning is the mark of rank north country hypocrisy where everyone claims to be an environmentalist but act as if wood burning is a positive for the environment when it's not. It's not condescending when it's true ...just people can't accept the facts so they just would rather make up their own and vilify those who do speak the truth. People are confused because they believe what sustains them personally is sustainable for the planet.that's pure rot.


dabeeman t1_j1ayihf wrote

the number of trees that fall naturally on my property every year more than make up enough woods for my use. how is it not sustainable to use what nature provides? should i leave it to rot instead?


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1ba2ms wrote

Glad you have it figured out for yourself. Extinct cultures did likewise


IamSauerKraut t1_j18spms wrote

The smell of a wood stove in winter makes the entire neighborhood happy.


Calm_Captain_3541 t1_j192u0u wrote

Burning locally sourced logs or pellets is actually carbon negative bub. When a hot fire is burning it’s one of the most efficient sources of heat and releases so much less CO2 and methane than that same wood would have if left to rot in the forest.


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1aoh7o wrote

No bub, you're cherry picking rosy analysis and derp into confirmation bias. You're welcome.


thatsthatdude2u t1_j19hswt wrote

It's amazing the stories we tell ourselves so we believe what we're doing is the right thing even when it's not. Vermont has some of the dirtiest air in the country in the winter because of all the wood burning. It's not healthy it's not sustainable no matter how much you try to convince yourself it is.


kmkmrod t1_j19l0mq wrote


Suspicious-Relief-31 t1_j1abhl9 wrote

Vermont, is a state ! Not a city, soooo much for creditably.


kmkmrod t1_j1am6s6 wrote

Yep, wood stoves can release particulates. And natural gas burners can release carbon monoxide. What’s your point?


who-really-cares t1_j1achbx wrote

Yes we should use electricity instead and burn natural gas…. Instead of the carbon neutral wood.

Also like 1/5 of the power in Maine comes from burning biomass anyway. So even if you’re not burning wood, you’re burning wood.


thatsthatdude2u t1_j1ah6wd wrote

LOL wood isn't carbon neutral when you inhale it in the valley. Wood is both dirty and unsustainable all at once. Amazing how many have convinced themselves otherwise with heavy doses of confirmation bias. EPA needs to crack down on toxic wood smoke from all sources.


who-really-cares t1_j1ahp0p wrote

Wood is still carbon neutral when you inhale it.

Wood is not sustainable as a heating source for all, but it’s very sustainable as a heating source for some.

Maine produces a fair amount of its power from burning wood, so using more electricity is causing more wood to be burned…

EPA has required reburners on new wood stoves making them much cleaner and more efficient.


SR70 t1_j195os7 wrote

Should upgrade to an oil furnace huh.