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AcadianCascadian t1_j1jp28e wrote

When the soil is completely saturated like that, there’s nowhere for the water to go, and if you have just a single pipe in the trench, it might have gotten an air bubble in it. Sounds like your sons’ bedrooms were in the basement, which means your Christmas gift to them got trashed 🙁 You’ve got the right attitude though! To make it easier on the kids, if age-appropriate, pretend you’re camping with them and your tent got flooded. Maybe you’ll have s’mores for dinner. And tell them you’re still fixing up their rooms for Christmas, just not quite the way you planned. Get some sleep!


sneakyfucker1977 OP t1_j1jvx1f wrote

Temporarily trashed. I managed to save everything (except my back).

We are currently watching How The Grinch Stole Christmas in my bedroom. My elder (9 years) touched his forehead to mine and whispered “you can sleep now, Dad.”


megamoose4 t1_j1jy0ew wrote

Damn man, that hit me.

You guys are lucky to have each other,

Merry Christmas.


Candygramformrmongo t1_j1k5phh wrote

You’ve got some good kids and you’re a great dad. Get some rest. We’re pulling for you. Merry Christmas!


Literallydead_1 t1_j1jz4ew wrote

What a sweet heart. Reach out if you need an ear. You're doing magnificently.


SmellsofElderberry25 t1_j1kgm8m wrote

Pain is temporary but that memory will last forever. You’re making a memorable Christmas for your kids. Can’t ask for a better Dad!


BlaineThePainInMaine t1_j1k6w7e wrote

You and your boys are lucky to have each other, and good on all of you for not letting your Christmas be spoiled! Hope you're snoozing through holiday movies while the rest of us tear up over your sweet family <3


dogsandpeaceohmy t1_j1lzpgv wrote

That made ME cry. Your doing something right because your son has empathy and compassion.