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SeelieForest t1_j21d1uc wrote

You are being extremely disingenuous. You didn't just "bring up an issue". You insinuated I was ignoring that issue because I was talking about remote workers coming to get a place to live.

And then I was using MYSELF AS AN EXAMPLE, and how I came here and just started pumping money into my local community.... while buying an unused plot of land that no one has touched.

But you are trying to pretend like THAT is a problem? Fuck you buddy, fuck you.

And, AGAIN, people coming to live in a community are NOT why housing and rental prices are insane.

It's instead the use of housing as a financial vehicle. People buying MANY HOUSES and private equity firms buying up huge amounts of housing.

If tomorrow a law was passed that you could only own 1 home that was the one you lived in, then the housing market would CRASH overnight. Because people who live in their homes in a community IS NOT THE PROBLEM.

Again, you are trying to attack people for living their lives and turning on your neighbor instead of thinking for even one moment and attempting to understand the situation.

You are a disingenuous asshole who just wants to fling shit around at innocent people trying to live their lives.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j21dkkd wrote

>Which, AGAIN, has nothing to do with housing and rental prices. People coming to live in a community are NOT why housing and rental prices are insane.

It absolutely is connected. You keep trying to reduce the entire problem down to single factor and it's more complicated than that. It was a confluence of events that you were absolutely a part of. But being part of that doesn't make you the problem. Stop being so goddamned defensive.

The only person attacking anyone here is you.


SeelieForest t1_j21ej7j wrote

>It absolutely is connected.

You are a lunatic. It isn't "connected". Who the fuck is going to be living in an undeveloped forest? Who am I displacing? Absolutely no one, you raving idiot.

About 20% of houses in Maine are registered as vacation homes. MAYBE THAT IS A START OF WHERE THE HOUSING HAS GONE.

Not to mention rich people with so much money the only thing they can think to do with it is buy a 3rd or 4th or 5th house to rent out "for passive income".

You are trying to pretend someone buying an untouched piece of forest in the middle of rural Maine "is part of the problem"? Again, fuck you. All you want to do is sling bullshit around.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j21fkxm wrote

Nothing exists in a vacuum.

Once again, the only person slinging shit is you.

Calm down, honey. You seem personally aggrieved that some people have differing opinions than you. The only reason you were inserted into this narrative was because you made it about you.


I didn't refute your claims against landlord culture. Those are 100% a problem. I didn't call you a stupid asshole like you have repeatedly. Stop acting like you're being labeled a pariah.


SeelieForest t1_j21g1bb wrote

Well then little girl, maybe you shouldn't pick fights with random people. Next time think a little before you start spewing your crap around.


ZingZongZaddy t1_j21g97w wrote

Give your balls a tug, big shoots. What a big, strong bad boy on the internet.