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sspif t1_j1ytbo0 wrote

I’ve never hunted them specifically so can’t give you much advice on hares. You can look up laws on the DIF&W website or get them to send you a law book.

You can legally hunt on any land that isn’t specifically posted no hunting, so no worries there. It’s polite, but not required, to ask permission if the area you want to hunt is somebody’s backyard.

I imagine hunting hares in the winter is probably all about looking for their tracks in the snow. I know that people who manage their land for hares leave big piles of brush here and there for them to bed down in, so maybe look for brush piles. Other than that, no idea.


Low-Shake8053 OP t1_j1yu0py wrote

Just watched a video of a guy walking and shaking up piles of brush. A couple jumped out, he got a few.
