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NipDrunkChipmunk t1_j1scd0w wrote

This is important. Tree law gets tricky, but some general guidelines:

  • If a healthy tree falls and does damage to your own property, your insurance will possibly cover the damages.
    • If the healthy tree damages your neighbor's property, you may not be legally responsible and they will need to make their own insurance claim.
  • If the tree was obviously dead, unhealthy, or damaged previously, then the insurance company may say you were negligent in not maintaining/removing the tree and they will not cover the damage.
    • If this tree does damage to your neighbor's property, then you may be held financially responsible.

Crowderhairalert t1_j1ucol1 wrote

You seem to know quite a bit about tree law, we should go into business with me as i am an expert in bird law. They go hand in hand.


NipDrunkChipmunk t1_j1uepg2 wrote

If we can get a maritime law expert to join us we'll have the Mainest situations covered!


rofopp t1_j1w8bza wrote

No, you’ll still need a meth and crank lawyer(s)


Sufficient_Risk1684 t1_j1vbi9y wrote

Which the about to fall down part makes it fuzzy. Now it's a known hazard that you have time to deal with it might not stay being an act of god