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BigRedRiker t1_j1gg8x2 wrote

The main trunk line connecting all of the fiber to the scarborough hub is burnt and multiple contractors are out splicing the fiber as we speak. I would expect it all back on by noon or sooner tomorrow.


BigRedRiker t1_j1ggjcp wrote

And a reason you often see spectrum outtages is because their lines almost always run just below the power lines (or top of communication lines). So anytime a branch comes down and touches the power its almost always ends up burning the absolute shit out of spectrums lines.


MakingItUpAsWeGoOk t1_j1frald wrote

Spectrum down in greater Augusta area.


bubbastars t1_j1fzjt0 wrote

Still down for me. I called and they had an automated message explaining there’s been damage to a fiber optic cable and they can’t estimate when it’ll be repaired. Anyone know what timelines are for that kind of thing? Sounds serious to this layman.

edit: I got my internet back at 9:30pm


takeurpantsoff t1_j1g47l5 wrote

Fwiw, I'm also in greater A area and have service all day no interruptions other than when power flickered and the modem had to reboot. West side of river


saigonk t1_j1fhwp0 wrote

Yes, most places are down. Our service just came back about 10 minutes ago.


bubbastars t1_j1fih60 wrote

Okay cool. Did you get any kind of notice from Spectrum on the outage?


defiantketchup t1_j1hadq6 wrote

Same as the other reply to you. Ours came back at the same time as yours and I even signed up for text / phone reply when it would come back and got nothing.

It was after hours they mentioned they would reply though but man, they really should have at least 1 person on staff during outages like this.


ThumperZero t1_j1gfrfa wrote

In Saco, went out around 915 and is still out. Happened during last week's storm as well. We haven't last power at all though. Why does this always seem to happen with Spectrum?


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1gt09c wrote

My final straw with Spectrum broke when the Internet blew out in the house and they refused to fix it despite other people on the street having the same issue.

If you have fiber in your area, get it and get it now. We've only had one single outage since we got it and it was only for a few minutes. Pure bliss.


ThumperZero t1_j1hhufv wrote

I've "pre-ordered" Fidium but am still waiting for service to go live. Who is your fiber provider?

Also our internet is still out.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1hk28g wrote

GoNetSpeed. We were looking at Fidium but found nothing positive on the Internet about it after some Googling and price comparisons, so we went with GoNetSpeed instead.

Great customer service, guy came within a couple weeks to set everything up. I, for one, regret us not getting fiber sooner. Much faster speeds than Spectrum for a much better price.

I'd suggest calling Spectrum and see what they can do about your Internet being out. They also have an outage thing on their website, I think, where you can report an outage. Do you have power or is that gone along with the Internet?


ThumperZero t1_j1hks4u wrote

We haven't lost power at all through the storms. Last week Spectrum went down for an hour (around midnight) so I figured I'd see if it would fix itself before calling today.

Also going to check out GoNetSpeed today. Thanks!

Edit: looked into GoNetSpeed, they're available in the Saco/Biddeford area except on my street, of course 🤦🏻‍♂️ signed up for notifications. Thanks for the info though!


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1i636g wrote

Oof, you must live on a hell of an unlucky Saco street lol. Glad I could help though! I'm not sure if there are any other fiber providers other than Fidium and GoNetSpeed, but if there are, I'd say check them out and see if your street gets lucky.


ThumperZero t1_j1i6ncj wrote

I bet it's because the street is relatively new (turned public just a few years ago). I'll call and see. Fingers crossed.


Brackish t1_j1hpkhf wrote

Still no internet in my part of Chelsea since mid-afternoon yesterday.


Oniriggers t1_j1imwsj wrote

Spectrum at work has been down since yesterday, spectrum at my apartment never went down, 1/2 mile away… Rockland


NoticeMeeeeee t1_j1q1cy3 wrote

Still no internet, going on the 4th day here in the Bangor area. Anyone else?


_dark-side t1_j1tsl5s wrote

4 days as well. I’m farther up north in Caribou area though.


NoticeMeeeeee t1_j1ttf9v wrote

Got ours back last night at around dinnertime, hope yours will be soon to follow!


SMRSpike t1_j1q9xlm wrote

Still out in northern Scarborough…. Down since Friday morning. Can’t seem to get any updates from Spectrum.. can anyone confirm in the area or am I looking at a problem just to my house?…


bubbastars t1_j1qet90 wrote

Mine just went back down for a bit. I would guess it’s not just you but maybe worth unplugging your modem & router, waiting 20 seconds, plugging back in. Then - modem on, wait to initialize and router on.


Old-Pomegranate17 t1_j1j889b wrote

You live in Maine and you are complaining after 5 hours?


bubbastars t1_j1jlrtu wrote

Didn’t know asking an innocent question = complaining now.