Submitted by Kazbob48 t3_zxw4uc in Maine

I use a deck box as outdoor storage for garbage. I cannot believe the racoons figured out how to open or even have the power to lift, but yup. Garbage all over this night.

Everyone says other mammals like dolphins are more intelligent, but I feel like trash pandas should be at the top of the list.

Rant over.



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priceless37 t1_j23nst0 wrote

Trash pandas….. Your title made me think you had people going through you trash.


andreq92 t1_j24cfmb wrote

Legit this lol, I was like who's rummaging through household garbage? Dumpsters near big stores maybe, but not residential trash lol


MabusIncarnate t1_j23ygcm wrote

Hello from Tennessee, in the mountains here they are a huge issue, lot of people swear by using mint around your cans, cut up fresh mint, or a mint scented body spray around the bottom of the can. I'm sure there is a minty raccoon-off product out there also. It works for me, but I have Southern raccoons so who knows.


ladykatytrent t1_j246s70 wrote

>but I have Southern raccoons so who knows.

I love this.


DirgoHoopEarrings t1_j24lldx wrote

That might work, except your neighbors in Kentucky might have to worry that the local raccoons won't just start making mint juleps!


78FANGIRL t1_j24b2mf wrote

Don't put food in your trash. Compost it. It's so nice not having to worry about raccoons in my trash. Before I composted, they were there every week. Once I forgot to take the middle section out of the pizza box. There must have been cheese and grease on it because a huge raccoon got it. My husband heard it on the side porch. He turned the light on and it was the fattest raccoon he had ever seen. He calls him King Coon (after King Kong, for clarification). Our neighborhood must be part of his nightly rounds, but that was our only trash visitor in a decade.


119juniper t1_j23bmw4 wrote

They can rip through chicken wire, so yes, they are pretty dang strong. And highly food motivated.


DisastrousHamster88 t1_j24bbk4 wrote

I’ve had coons shuck my corn off the plant this past summer. Literally peeled open like a human did it.


rothael t1_j23e1w3 wrote

If it makes you feel any better, one ran out in front of my car on the commute to work yesterday and I don't think it survived.


svengoalie t1_j23v6jp wrote

They have opposable thumbs...they will soon run this place.


20thMaine t1_j24p5lu wrote

Padlock it. I’d love to see one figure out how to pick a lock. Carabiners aren’t good enough.


BadDogEDN t1_j25onuw wrote

I had a raccoon problem once, then I smacked it with a cast iron pan, it growled and ran off, never came back.


Kazbob48 OP t1_j27kqeq wrote

The mechanism requires one to twist the lever, then pull it out.

They didn't break it. They figured it out.

They are crazy smart