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siebzy t1_izg3p2o wrote

If anyone needs it explained to them like they are 5, these Senators knew that not voting for this bill would make them look like heartless, cruel hypocrites (because they are). Staying away means it fails anyway, but that they don't get put on the record as opposing it.

I'm not excusing Chipman here either - dude is just begging for a primary challenger.


badpeaches t1_izgo98j wrote

> these Senators knew that not voting for this bill would make them look like heartless, cruel hypocrites (because they are). Staying away means it fails anyway, but that they don't get put on the record as opposing it.

This phenomena is called ghosting in the dating world.


OustedStrongman t1_izg7pb1 wrote

He is termed out at the end of this term so there is no primary option.


siebzy t1_izgbhwj wrote

Should have looked that up lol. Honestly to me that shows true colors.


OustedStrongman t1_izgfdu7 wrote

everybody knows how the vote is going to turn out before the votes are actually cast. If the Ds thought that there was any chance that they could have carried the Senate, Mills herself would have driven down to Portland to drag Ben up to Augusta for the vote.


siebzy t1_izgp71g wrote

Don't you go thinking I have any illusions on that score.


OustedStrongman t1_izgcmqx wrote

Didn't make a difference in the outcome. He will vote the right way when it comes back.
