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Ironbird207 t1_izgdtdm wrote

The capitalist catch-22, need infrastructure to keep people in low pop places, can't build infrastructure because it's not profitable for low pop places.


Yaktheking t1_izgefxs wrote

You can subsidize it but that’s never popular since it is intended to either lose money or pad the pockets of a private company. Socialized losses; privatized gains


the_bad_engineer08 t1_izgm4zx wrote

Actually most of the bus lines in Maine (and the US) are subsidized by the federal government.


bluestargreentree t1_izgq299 wrote

All transit is “subsidized”. Driving a car is also heavily subsidized, just in different ways.


Commercial-Amount344 t1_izkie88 wrote

So If you wanna be hard core anti socialist/anti marxist you drive down the median like a boot strap pulling god? (Yelling America with your sister wife as banjos play YMCA.)


BuddyBear17 t1_iziue5h wrote

You need rezonings to allow additional residential construction so that the potential ridership is higher. But for that to even matter, there needs to be at least some market pressure for more residences there due to good job opportunities, which there really aren't in Bangor's moribund local economy. But jobs, housing, ridership, and new rail service is the order of operations.


mymaineaccount46 t1_izj00z5 wrote

You would need massive growth in Bangor to be worth doing an Amtrak line, and that comes with a lot of its own issues. It's not a very large city. Personally I kinda like Bangor how it is. Not too big and busy, not too small as to have nothing.